Blasieholmsgatan 3:  New Questions about Raoul Wallenberg and the Wallenberg Family - Raoul Wallenberg (2024)

But first , Pro Primo: The notification in Raoul´s calendar, 1944/45 : “Murray PAYNE” :

“Murray Payne, fråga (ask)
Torsten Boltenstern, från (from)
Maj von Plauen. ” (Raoul´s cousin, Maj Wising, married Enzio von Plauen, 1935.

For long time an Anglosaxon “Murray Payne” was not to be found, in the Swedish con-text, but as a Torsten (Jochum) Boltenstern (b.13) was airforce/civil pilot,(ABA) during the war, courier pilot, (perhaps ball bearings), to Britain, and nobleman, sometimes in both Anger´s and Raoul´s circles, Innocence Ball, of 1939, and guest at Nina von Dardel´s marriage with Gunnar Lagergren, December 1943.

So perhaps, “Murray Payne” was a British RAF-pilot,a Swedish colleague to Boltenstern ?

But now appeared at last, at the http://www., a “flight lieutenant” , in the RAF 601.Squadron, London, Murray PAYNE, who 1940, “instructed the Dutch Prince Bernhard, to fly the Spitfire”, and this Squadron was said to be the “Millionaires squad “, many young pilots were from the upper rich classes, and Payne seems not been KIA in the Battle of Britain. So maybe this “airforce”- connection is confirmed. But what was it about ? The alleged visit to Sweden, of Raoul Wallenberg, the fall of 1944 ? Perhaps this equation works ? (www. Portrait of Flight Lieutenant Murray Payne, circa 1930’s / “flight Lt Murray Payne /Sketch of Oriel Ross”)

Maybe Raoul´s cousine, Maj von Plauen, (daughter of his maternal Aunt Anna, married Nisser) married Enzio von Plauen, 1935, who owned a big estate outside Berlin, Schloss Wiesenburg, had perhaps connections with the Dutch Royals, as prince Bernhard was of German origin, and his brother was in the German army, during the war.

(The Plauens left Germany 1943. Prince Bernhard had close contact with the Swedish royals family, visited Sweden, officially already 1946, and the prince Gustav Adolf´s last visit abroad, went to prince Bernhard, January, 21,1947, and it was a Dutch KLM-liner, bound for Stockholm via Kastrup, what crashed to the ground, January 26, with the prince, among the passengers, caused when the airport personnel, forgot to remove the rudder locking device.)

The 601. Squadron, perhaps with Payne in service, was later deployed in Italy, at bases in the tracks of the Allied´s invasion, close to Hungary, (and Bari): April-June 1944: Venafro, June 1944: Littorio June-July 1944: Fabrica July-August 1944: Perugia August-September 1944: Loreto –December 1944: Fano December 1944-May 1945: Bellaria May-August 1945: Treviso. Far-fetched, but anyway, a nice piece of coincidence.
Who was Per Anger, (b.1913) ? He never published his selfbiography, but his book: Med Raoul Wallenberg in Budapest, (1979). But Elisabeth Skoglund published Per Anger´s “official” biography, (1997): A quiet courage : Per Anger, Wallenberg´s co-liberator of Hungarian Jews.

There´s some public information about the of course honourable, Per Anger and his most unknown circles (and the Swedish legation´s personnel in Budpest, 1942-1945), when compilated, not before observed. Some perhaps, pointing into the Raoul Wallen-berg case.

The Anger family arrived to Stockholm 1916, living in the rather poor southern part of the city, the Danviksgatan no. 1, (gone today) before moving to the city blocks, from 1930. (I will qoute some facts from this book.) From the 1930s, his father, and two uncles, held prominent positions, the father, David engineer, in the Stockholm city administration, Filip in the white-collar union (Daco/ TCO) and Folke in the AB Osram-Elektra (married the man. dir. daughter) and in the Right party/Högerpartiet, don´t mention Per Anger´s own career as diplomat.

Per´s father, David from 1935-1951, head of the Stockholm city´s construction bureau, of streets and roads, often commented in the daily papers the city´s designs and new contructions in the traffic communications, and was in charge of building big bridges, as the Väster- and Tranebergsbron, during the 1930s.

But Per probably even had confirmed contacts with Raoul Wallenberg´s circles, seemed close to high military officers, paramilitary, business, German owned companies, ( Folke Anger/ AB Osram-Elektra) (Tungsram/ Svenska Orion AB ), through his education, kin-ships, and wedding guest, sometimes accidental.
1926: Baroness Birgit MÖRNER married Per Anger´s uncle: Filip Anger, (b.98). Filip Anger was a chairman in the white-collar´s Union, 1937, the Daco, then in the follower, merging with the Tco, to the mighty TCO, founded 1944. From 1942, candidate for the Right party/Högerpartiet, in Stockholm.
1931: Baroness Dagmar Mörner, Birgit´s sister married the shipowner, Sven SALÈN, Raoul´s main employer, 1941-1944, in the Kalman Lauer´s Meropa AB. (Filip Anger, statistician was even employed in the Salén shipping, after retirement, 1964-1975).
1932: (or later) Per Anger met Vilmos Forgacs, (eight months) when the Tungsram affili-ation,(bulbs) and producer of Hungarian Orion radioreceivers , established a Swedish affiliation, (1931) (1932) the Svenska Orion försäljnings AB. (Source I. Carlberg). Forg-acs and Hugo Wohl, (Orion man.dir.) were in Raoul´s rescuingstaff, 1944. But the Sven-ska Orion försäljnings AB, was on the U.S/U.K. /Allieds ” Proclaimed blocked certain nat-ionals” from 1941-1945.

But Tungsram advertised in Swedish newspapers, very frequently from 1932 (establis-hed 1931/source Tungsram), mentioned in a footnote, the Svenska Orion försäljnings AB as their salesorganisation. 1932, as Tungsram claimed they deliver their radiovalves, of barium, to the: Swedish army Signal corps, (Fälttelegrafkåren), the Air Force, and the Telephone civil service (Televerket), but only this year.
1933: May 21.* Folke ANGER, (uncle) married with the German-owned, AB OSRAM-ELEKTRA , boss´s Edvard HENKE´s ´s daughter: Sigrun Henke.
1936: November, 3 : Per´s father, David Anger, had two younger sons, JAN and Claes. Per´s brother Jan Anger, (b.18) trainee-pilot in the Swedish airforce, crashed to death, November 3, 1936, (reservofficersaspirant) at Ljungbyhed, in a Tiger Moth (Sk 11).When turning the aircraft to the left, it began to spin, but turning the rudder for right, the same thing,spin to the right, then he had to bail out but, his parachute was never rele-ased.

At the funeral, both the head of the Swedish Airforce, (1934-1942) Lt. General, Torsten FRIIS, Colonel- and Colonel Helge JUNG, later ÖB (Supreme commander, 1944-1951) and the city advisor Yngve Larsson (lib.) (Stockholm), participated and the Rights Youth League = Högerpartiets ungdoms-förbund / = Ungsvenskarna), and The Landstorms-pojkarna/ U1/Stockholm /=Paramilitary) paraded in the Storkyrkan in Stockholm, to pay tribute, to the just 18 years old, dead pilot, student since May.

Colonel Helge Jung seemed close to the Landstormsofficerarnas Riksförbund, and Per and Jan was active members in their youth section, since from 1925/1930s, so perhaps they knew Helge Jung, before that grey November day. (Folke Anger was former army-officer, (I15) then in AB Osram-Elektra, and could been in contact with Jung.)
1936: September, Helge Jung visited Hungary, Budapest, the General staff, with then lieutenant Fritz-Ivar Virgin, Svea livgarde (I1), an invitation to celebrate the victory aga-inst the Turks, 250 years. (About the same time, the first Hungarian constructed Gamma /Juhasz anti-aircraft distance-instrument, was delivered to Sweden/SvD October 1, 1936, if coincidence, unknown). (1941, Fritz-Ivar Virgin was in charge of the General staff´s crypto-section, and this military unit had to assist, the Foreign department, (UD) with ciphering cables at some legations, abroad, during the war.)
(1936: December : The Right party´s leader the admiral * Arvid Lindman, died in a civil air-crash in the Netherlands.(His daughter Eva, was married the diplomat Gustaf von Dardel, and in the obituary) (Son of George Dardel.b.50., Fredrik D.´s uncle)
1937 : June, 23 (SvD) : “Member of the Landstormsförbundets (local veterans) styrelse,(board) (youth section) ungdomsutskottet, became the 2nd lieutenant, fänrik, P(er).J.V. Anger.” (A paramilitary organisation,from 1908, but later with a section for young recruits, boys, like scouts, from 13 years age, the Landstormspojkarna.) (Raoul´s the Hemvärnet/HomeGuard, founded, 1940.)

(Here, Anger met Herbert ENELL, (b.16) son of the Air force colonel Harald ENELL. Per-haps influenced, young Jan Anger ?) (But even the lieutenant N.(ils) W. A. von Hennigs is mentioned, with H. Alenius, and S.A.S Åberg) (Landstormspojkarna).
Two names from the memberlist 1937 of the Swedish-German Association, (founded 1913 ! ). (Svensk-Tyska Föreningen)

(1.) ” F. Anger jur. stud. Narvavägen no. 7 (Stockholm) ” . But here lived, then 1937, not Filip Anger, and not Folke Anger, but the: David Anger´s family, Elsa, and their sons: Per, Claes: (strange, because, Per Anger is the only one studying juridical/law, then graduated 1939. Was this in fact Per Anger ? We don´t know. Maybe in some student exchange studying the German language, Anger visited Germany, 1938)

(2.) ” S. Anger, fru, Jacob Westingatan no. 6, Stockholm” . (but this ought to be Folke Anger´s wife, Sigrun Henke, married 1933, they lived at this address, before moving to Katrineholm and a marbleindustry, 1939. Later David and Elsa Anger (and Per), ca 1940 moved to the Norr Mälarstrand no. 100.)

Among other members: K.(urt) von Drachenfels, C.(arl) Ohly : (Lars Ohly´s uncle. b.13) In the Landstormspojkarna as instructor and F.(rithiof) Trulsson. People often with some German background.
Captain Nils von Hennigs (son of the painter Gösta Hennigs -d.1941) was the “Land-stormspojken”´s editor from 1935-ca 1940. Jan Anger (at Narvavägen no.7, his parents, address), Per´s brother,was the in charge of “notices”, (Tankar som möts) 1936, during the pseudonym, “Sjajas”. Jan, published , funny stories and sketches on two whole pages.

Indeed tragic, the same year he crashed, a funny sketch of a pilot in an aircraft, in a disastrous nose-dive to the ground. Nils von Hennigs wrote the obituary, of Jan Anger, ” his young friend and comrade”, 1936, November, and published a poem to Jan, (Vid Jan´s bår 9.11) of the Åke BERGLUND, probably the wellknown pro-Ger-man, anti-semite, early in racial eugenics , member of the Riksföreningen Sverige -Tyskland (f.1937) and 1941, member of Per Engdahls´s Nazi-party: Svensk opposition.

(1931) Per Anger, himself was active at least from, (1925) 1931, (probably even Jan) as instructor (furir/ I1), leader of the “Recruit school” in the Landstorms-pojkarna, 1936, in the staff with von Hennigs, lieutenant Hans Alenius, and the highest grade, the Cornet, Herbert ENELL. The years 1937/1938, was Per Anger leader of the “Soldatskolan”, (ca 150 recruits) with Herbert Enell, who started a special “befälsklubb”. (Skoglund E.: “Per was member of the “Homeguard”, since 12 years old, since 1925″.)

Later Enell´s med.dr-colleague, Lars-Gustaf UGGLA, in the Landstormspojken, became publisher, (Grev Magnigatan no. 4), around 1943. (Later, Dr Herbert Enell and dr Lars-Gustaf Uggla, were the medical heads of the Swedish army´s/Red Cross hospitaltrains /column, helping, nursing the German Wehrmacht´s, , wounded soldiers (32.000 cases), many from 6. WSS Division Nord (former Totenkopf-KZ-guards) from northern Finnish Barbarossa front, against Russia, Finland,1941-1943, made them “fit for fight”, against the Allies, as soon as possible. An undertaking, described very muted, asym-metric in the Swedish WW2-history compared with Bernadottes´s White buses and the Swedish rescue mission 1944, in Budapest.

Per Anger knew both lieutenant, * Nils von Hennigs and dr. * Herbert Enell, and * dr Lars-Gustaf Uggla , from his assignments in the Land-stormsförbundet, (Stockholm/ Section U1), during the 1930s, perhaps even dr Åke Berglund. (The author Per-Olof Sundman (SSS) (c), was a member of the Landstormspojkarna, but even Jan Myrdal, 1941, and Leif Leifland.)
The paramiltary, Landsstormspojkarna had a number of about, 8.000 members, 1945, (140 local sections) guys,from 13 years, more like “child soldiers”, most from the upper classes,(as Djursholm /Östermalm, secondary school, boys, not that older mature, “Volkssturm”, Raoul commanded, 1941. But probably, this organisation, even crashed down with it´s main field organizer, captain Nils von Hennigs, 1945.

The Expressen,(lib.) claimed when the Landstormspojkarna at last was incorporated in the Homeguard/Hemvärnet, July 1947, ” that they both before and during the war had been too -admiring of the Nazigermany” . The now late author, Lars Widding/Expressen , claimed that there was a traffic from them to the Swedish Nazi´s/SSS: Nordisk ung-dom. (I think they became more compromised,1945, even as “too”, reminding of those young Hitler-Jugends, in the ruins of Berlin, not acceptable, postwar, with new thinking in bringing up children and education of the youth.)

(There exists no historical academic study, of the Landstormspojkarna, only their prin-ted monthly periodical, mostly without explicit “German” influence, as such, archivals at the Military record office, a forgotten link in the of Swedish national/paramilitary org-anisations.) (But here Anger was more active, than Raoul in the Hemvärnet, so both diplomats of 1942/1944, were really experienced in basic military infantry training, and as instructors.)
1938: Per Anger was commissioned to reservelieutenant at the I1, Svea livgarde, (Raoul´s regiment) together with Raoul´s friend: Sten E:son Leijonhufvud.
1939: January 29: Now even Per Anger, were introduced to the Innocenceorder of 1765, Ball : among 500 other guests…) but present were even the German dip-lomat, later General, attaché Bruno von Uthmann, the British colonel, attaché Reginald Sutton-Pratt, Calman Pandy, (the Hungarian pressattaché), Alexandra von Dardel (later married Jan von Horn /Col. I1), Lorle Kantzow, Thomas Ihre, Oscar Olin / Norrmalms livsmedel, the Homeguard´s shooting range), Torsten Boltenstern(!) (pilot), Margit von der Groeben,(b.09.) (sister to Knut. v.d.Groeben.)
1939: May 17 : Per Anger, graduated, jur. cand., maybe had a more active role in Raoul Wallenberg´s personal network, as he even was guest, with: Gunnar Lagergren, (b.12) jur.cand (married Nina von Dardel 1943), May 17, 1939 at the wedding between jur. cand. Bo Palmgren (Helsingfors) and Louise Reuterskiöld (nobility.b.16.)

(In the Reuterskiöld´s pedigree you find before Marie Lucie von Dardel (b.94) (daughter of Fredrik Dardel´s uncle, George b.50 ), married 1914, Carl Lennartsson Reuterskiöld, (1890-1934) then section head(byråchef) in the UD.
1939: October 7, Lieutenant Per ANGER was guest, when Helge JUNG, Major General, later Sweden´s Supreme Commander (ÖB) (1944-1951) wife born, Ruth WEHTJE, daug-hter of Ernst Wehtje Sr., (brothers Ernst Wehtje Jr , Hugo and Walter WEHTJE, head of the National Agency for Reserve Goods = Statens Reservförrådsnämnd/ later Atlas Copco/ Investor) married their daughter Karin Jung with mr W. Schauman, guests even lieut-enant Stig Jung, and mr Anders Gauffin.

Walter Wehtje married 1926 Gurli Bergström (1906-1965), daughter of Paul Urban Bergström.(PUB / Warehouse), and became man.dir., at PUB. Their daughter Olga Wehtje, 1955, wife of Marc Wallenberg, and mother of Marcus, b.56.)
A new special Swedish-German club was launched January, 14, 1939, invited to lunch, to celebrate the Nazi-diplomat Frans von Papen´s visit, at the Grand Hotel Royal: Mem-bers: Oscar Ahrén, Henri de Champs (Admiral) David Dahl, Max Däumichen, (gen. con-sul) H. von Euler,(Chemist/Nobelprize 1929) Emil Fevrell,(Lt.Colonel) Carl Florman (ABA) Carl Folke, A.T. Hammarstrand, Oscar Hegert, John E. Johnson, Henry H. Koux,(German-Swedish/businessman) C.G. Langenskjöld, T. Larka, Sten H. Löfberg, Siegfried MATZ,(vice clearingnämnden) Carl Möller, Gunnar Philipson, (Daimler-Benz/affiliation) C. Reu-tersvärd, Sven SALÈN, (Shipowner) Karl SAUBER, (the clearingnämnden) Wald. von Syd-ow, (Publicistklubben) P.G. Thulin, (Shipowner ? /Nordström & Thulin ?) Magnus Tiger-schiöld, Walter WEHTJE, (Statens reservförrådsnämnd) Erik Wellander, (professor) G. Wennerholm, Karl A. Wessblad.
General Helge Jung, assisted the (Superior commander) ÖB, Olof Thörnell´s delegation, and congrat-ulated Adolf Hitler, 50 years, April 20, 1939. The photo of April 20 1939: the Swedish minister Arvid Richert, (behind Hitler) Lt General Olof Thörnell, rear-admiral Fabian Tamm – General, Helge Jung, and captain Gösta von Stedingk (b.97), (and the Right party leader Gösta Bagge, Minister of education, 1939-1944.) This after both, Münich, 1938 and Czechoslovakia, March 1939, German annexations, Sweden recog-nized, approved, a year (1940) before the Baltic states, became Soviet republics.)
(Six years later, about the same team, General Jung(ÖB) and Admiral Tamm, now included Anthal Ullein-Reviczky visited, the Soviet Union´s legation´s victory party, in Stockholm, February 24, 1945, (Expressen) at the Red army Day. General Helge Jung, (b.86.) was during the 1930s in the s.c. “Junta”, of high Finnish-activist officers, since 1918, behind the periodical: “Ny” Militär tidskrift,(NMT) claiming, the main strategy doctrine : Antingen -Eller ! (Either- Or ! ).

Meaning the Swedish army should deployed, in Finland, close to the Soviet city, Lenin-grad, (40 km) at the Rajajokki/Systerbäck, and meeting the Red army, there with about 80-100.000 soldiers, everything measured up, in details, transports, housing etc. – Or ! But a dangerous undertaking, and when suggested of Axel Rappe armystaff chief, 1940 February, 17, close to the Finnish surrender of March, 13, PM, Per Albin Hansson answered: “Bullsh*t !” Then rumours of a coup´de etat, in the air. But then a common Swedish-German interest, to influence Finland to make peace with the Soviet Union, to prevent a British/French invasion into the Arctic circle.
The engineer Torsten JUNG was Helge Jung´s brother, (b.80) (d.61) promoted to senior engineer, AB Förenade Svenska Tändsticksfabriken (STAB) (matches) 1913, and man.dir.(vd) be-tween 1933–1949. Consul, Yngve Ekmark, (STAB) in Budapest, had probably contact with Torsten Jung at Jönköping-office. (So, very close to the ÖB, and the Wall-enbergsphere, and the STAB-affiliation in Budapest, where man.dir. Torsten Haller-ström, ser-ved, who died August 4, 1944. (Unknown how, and no comments from the legation.)
1939: December,the student Per Anger (jur.cand) took his academic degree, at the Upp-sala University, mentioned with: *Carl Henrik von PLATEN, political science, diplomat later in UD/Ankara, 1943, (perhaps in the separate surrender talks 1943) his brother, *Gustaf von Platen, “Buster” in Raoul´s circles.

Skoglund E. / ” But now Per, was caught between two options: Join the Swedish volontary corps (SFK), for Finland, or accept a bid from the UD, Foreign department, to serve at the Swedish legation in Berlin, as the cipher-assistent, and in commerce. Anger chosed Berlin.

But this situation, coincides with the up-start and recruiting, of the Swedish military intelligence, the C-bureau, 1940, and don´t contradict, that Per Anger, alleged had a secret mission. (J. Bergman / 2014). The commercial adviser, Torsten VINELL, (b.98), (then in the Export association, and government commission trading with Germany 1941/Hungary, 1942.), called up Anger in late March, to send a secret telegram, about the German assembling of freighter ships in German ports, ready for the Op. “Weser-übung”, to invade Denmark/ Norway, in April 9.

(Even another “leading” Landstormspojke, editor, of their journal, 1943-1945, was recruited first, in his ordinary military service, to the General staff´s central crypto-graphy section, 1941, at Stockholm, (CiC: * Fritz-Ivar Virgin) and had to serve in periods in London, 1942/43 assisting in the complicated and boring (!) ciphering-work, at the Swedish legation, requested of the UD, before he applied as diplomatic trainee, named Carl-George CRAFOORD, even later in UD-career.)
THE UD-CAREER : 1940-1941:
1940 ; January : Per Anger begin to serve at the Swedish legation in Berlin, (minister Arvid Richert), and the clerk/typist *Margareta Bauer, became a friend of him. (At the Swedish legation, in Warzaw, 1939, we find Sven Grafström, and Margareta Bauer, 1939, but August 26, Grafström probably dismissed Bauer, to Berlin,1939 where even Carl Petersen served, 1937-1940, later the head of the C-bureau. (In Berlin, Anger must have met Herbert Enell´s father, the Air force attaché in Berlin, 1937-1941, Col-onel Harald Enell.)

Skoglund E. / – – -Later when back in Stockholm, Per Anger must go through the ord-inary UD-test, for trainees, and as the examiner had Polish background, Anger was ask-ed even about his view about Germany´s possibilities to win the war, and Anger then quoted, the Swedish military attaché at the Berlin-legation, a colonel, who claimed that he didn´t believe in a German victory, and by that Anger passed the test. (** But who was that colonel ? Probably: Curt Juhlin-Dannfeldt, armycolonel 1938.)
1940: September 22: Gilbert MURRAY lieutenant (b.14.) ( I1) married Ulla Ehrensvärd (b.18). Daughter of the rear admiral Gösta C.A. Ehrensvärd (b.85). Guests: (Ulrika) Ulla Mörner (b.17) – * Per ANGER. (I1-lieutenant/reserve.) and Agneta von Stedingk (b.22) – Herbert ENELL (b.16) (daughter of Colonel Gösta von Stedingk/ I1, attaché Finland, 1941.) (Agneta married 1947, the I1 Major Reinhold Geijer, – the only known official in the secret Swedish StayBehind/Gladio/Nato from 1957), (Gösta Ehrensvärd was married a sister, Anna Enell, (b.86) to the Air force attaché in Berlin, 1937-1941, Colonel Harald Enell.)

(*Ehrensvärd ,CiC of the Coastal navy, 1939-1942, gave secret order after the British confiscated the Swedish destroyers, June 1940, forbidding then any ships to surrender.),
1941: Per Anger : this year, after 1,5 years in Berlin, from about summer, was assigned to the Foreign Department/UD in Stockholm.
1942: Per Anger: September : Assigned to the Swedish legation in Budapest, as commercial attaché. (together with Swedish minister Ivan Danielsson.)
1943: June 7: Per ANGER married in Stockholm, with Elena WIKSTRÖM, (b.20) daughter of the cavalry captain Nils Axel Wikström, living at the Strandvägen no. 7 C., the same A-B-C-yard where Raoul´s Meropa AB, was located from 1941.) Guests : * Herbert ENELL, (b.16.) med. cand., lieutenant Gilbert Murray, Gustaf Hoff, Sissela Wachtmeister, Carl Gustaf af Béve, (UD) fru Eva Wöhler, lieutenant Carl Tersmeden.
(In July 1940, pro-German, General Archibald Douglas, and from the Swedish legation in Berlin, the navy-attaché Anders Forshell, the military-attaché Curt Juhlin-Dannfeldt, and the Air force attaché, colonel * Harald ENELL, was invited of the German Great admiral to visit, the occupied Belgium, France, Brussels, Seebrügge, Ostende, Dunker-que, Calais, Boulogne, Le Havre, Cherbourg och Paris. Forshell´s report mirrored his general pro-German attitude, of Nazigermany, and Juhlin-Dannfeldt, wrote a 28 pages report, where he praised the German Wehrmacht for their exemplary conduct.”- – -www./BS. (It was rumoured that Harald Enell had an unusual high grade, Lt Colonel, to serve as air force attaché, and from 1941, later he became head of the Aeroklubben, in Sweden.)
(” Colonel Harald ENELL , The Aeroklubben”, was member of Per Engdahl´s , Swedish Nazi party,): Svensk opposition, founded 1941, a pro-German, Nazi party for the upper classes, as even Raoul´s near friend: “Björn BURCHARDT, ” Brukstjänsteman ” (clerk) Forsså bruk.”) (Klaus Böhme 2002)
Per Anger´s friend Herbert ENELL, medicine .cand., 1939, med.lic. 1945, was in charge of the Swedish´s trainhospital ” column” from August 1941 -may, 1943, – 32.000 Ger-man ,(General E.Dietl´s / 20. Gebirgsarmée) badly wounded/sick soldiers from the Ger-man front against the Soviet Union, (Murmansk) from: August 1941 to May 1943, 32.000 patients, transported through Sweden over Haparanda to German occupied Nor-way hospitals, at Oslo or Narvik. Herbert Enell was the first medical/medicine instance, to judge the conditions of the German soldiers, sick/wounded or with cold injuries.

Doctor Herbert ENELL and the doctor Lars-Gustaf UGGLA, and the vicar Wilhelm Ryd-berg,Haparanda wrote 63 detailed reports of this transports, (August 10,1941-May 16,1943) for to later claim the German legation, the costs. Sweden took care of the German need of hospitalcare, in the war. (Princesse Sibylle handed out “Liebesgaben” to SS-Totenkopf regiments, and Wehrmacht, November 1941, at the Haparanda station. An estimated amount of 100.000 days of healthcare were carried out of Swedish person-nel.)

(The Swedish Red Cross transported September-December 1941, ca 5.000 wounded Germans, from Finnish Kemi, and ca 7.200 patients inside Finland, around Kemi. SRK even drove to Petsamo, (600 km) Uleåborg, and Hangö to pick up patients.(Lars-Gustaf Uggla´s father was: Navy captain E.Axel G:son Uggla, 1888-1946, in the same batch of navy captains, as: Calissendorff, Angelin, Egon Ternberg, Gösta Ehrensvärd.) (Anger knew some of them)

Here the Swedish Red Cross and the Train/Tross regiment (T1/Linköping), organised medical care, with Swedish and German trainsets, through Sweden to Oslo or Narvik. The Red cross became subordinated to the German forces in Finland(1940-1944), and carried out transports even from Finland, over Kemi/Tornio /Haparanda. (Many Finnish wounded also got health care in Sweden). Some German wounded, had even medical care in Sweden.(Boden/Älvsbyn). Both the Swedish army and the Red Cross, served the NaziGermany´s need of serious wounded soldiers war health care.

“- – – Dr Herbert ENELL concluded, with great satisfaction, that the German Wehrmacht Supreme Commander in Norway, Col. General Nikolaus von FALKENHORST, seemed to be very pleased with the Swedish hospital care , and commented this with appreciation.

Prince CARL in the Swedish Red Cross,(SRK) pointed to the German satisfaction with the Swedish Red Cross personnel. Doctor Herbert Enell, should make the first selection of the worst wounded patients.” – – – When guest at Per Anger´s wedding 1943, June, dr Enell had served two years assisting the German Wehrmacht, in this “as secret as poss-ible”, the media were silent, the undertaking, ended 1943, (after Stalingrad) as most of the German military railway transports through Sweden. (But re-opened from Finland, during the Autumn , the final German retreat, 1944) (Source: Sjuktransporter från norra Finland, 1941-1943/ Sven Hellström / 2003 (Pdf)
(First train July,13, 1941: 249 wounded, and 33 Swedish personnel, from Haparanda -Krylbo-Örebro-Arvika-Charlottenberg-Oslo) (The First weeks, August 4 -September 24, 1941, 25 hospitaltrains passed by the city Arvika, 14 German, 10 Swedish, 1 Norwegian, in all 5.906 German patients. Up to New Year, 1941/1942, 14.237 patients passed the border checkpoint at Charlottenberg. July 1941-June, 1942, about 19.500 from Torneå, most to Oslo, and most in German trains.) (Source :www)
But what knew Per Anger about (even) this Swedish assistance to the German warefforts, against the Soviet Union ? Nothing ? As Anger “de facto” was in charge of the Swedish legation,1942-1945, and the diplomatic protection power for the the Soviet Union, in Hungary, a mission Sweden was heavy criticized of, by the Russians, 1944/ 1945, for negligence.

Perhaps,that´s why Ivan Danielsson, assigned the Russianborn (Belgian citizen), Michail Kutozov-TOLSTOY, and wife to visit the Hungarian Komarom fortress (at Danube) PoW-camp, to organise medical healthcare, for Soviet PoWs, during the Soviet siege of Buda-pest, 1944, and issued a special warrant for him, to first meet the Red army, (November 4, 1944), but perhaps of his hospital´s localisation in Budapest.This for preventing furt-her Soviet complaints – or ?

“- – – Due to the Soviet´s NKVD-protocol, major, Muchortov, when in February 1944, a anonymous source, claimed that the Swedish Budapest-legation´s hostile attitude aga-inst the Soviet Union, been disclosed when he asked Ivan Danielsson of permission to fur-nish the Soviet Pows, in Hungary, with, medicine, clothes, food. Danielsson, rejected this, in spite Sweden, being protection power, for Russia. “Such measures was in vain”, for “Ivan” due to Ivan Danielsson, because the Soviets executed, all personnel returning from captivity.- – -) (From SvD 1990)

(But Danielsson rejected even in a letter to the UD, June 25, 1944, to support the Swe-dish Red Cross in Budapest, V. Langlet, to receive about 1 million crowns for assisting the Jews, through the American Joint, unknown to the Langlet´s couple in SRK, whom must beg of contributions from private Hungarian circles. (Klas Åmark. 2016)

Was Per Anger implicated in this ? Or did he cared only of the free-wheeling, Dutch PoWs, in Budapest, with money, and support, working at the Swedish legation, as van der Waals, sometimes with forgery of ID-cards ? (Most allied PoW´s were arrested by April 7, 1944, of the Germans: 812 Frenchmen, 5.450 Polish, 39 English, 11 Americans 16 Belgian, 12 Dutch and 180 Soviet PoWs./ Source:M.D. Fenyo 1972)

The Soviets complaints maybe motivated, especially when comparing that the Swedish army/Red Cross´s in fact merged, with NaziGermany, in the medical caretaking of the bloodied German Wehrmacht, from the German/Finnish front, 1941-1943. The doc- tors in charge of this service, Herbert Enell, (and Lars-Gustaf Uggla), sorting wounded /sick Wehrmacht/WSS-soldiers, were both Per Anger´s old paramilitary friends, since 1931, and weddingguest, when Anger married 1943.

In Hungary, at the Komarom old fortress, 1944, the Swedish military attaché Lt.Col. Harry WESTER, visited, before October, 16, he called the maltreated, starved Soviet PoWs : ” Wild animals ! ” But the Swedish legation claimed their reason to stay in Budapest, and not follow Szalaszi government to Sopron, (because legations must stay where the government stay), but was to assist as protection power, the the Soviet PoWs, and the Jews.
1943 : September, 26: Torsten KREUGER`S son, Carl, (in Raoul´s calendar April 1944) visited Hungary with a delegation of Swedish journalists, (most from pro-German, Right party newspapers, and Torsten Kreuger´s Aftonbladet.) a propagandatrip, from Sept-ember 26, 1943, when *Per ANGER received this group, in Budapest.

The journalists : Carl Kreuger /Aftonbladet, Kerstin Wijkmark, * Erik WÄSTBERG = editor of the pro-German, Nya Dagligt Allehanda, father of the author *Per WÄSTBERG, the au-thor of the memorial plaque at/of the Raoul Wallenberg (Memory) Square/Stockholm), Sven Hansson, Elis Andersson, Knud Bolander, Bertil Svanström and Nils HORNEY, living at the Hotel Palatinus. The Hungarian pressbureau: Stefan (Istvan) BEDE ,dr. Geza LUBY. (They even went to Eastern Hungary due to Anger, to the Teleki-institute, met foreign minister Ghyczy, Ivan Danielsson, pm., Miklos Kallay and visited the region/cities: Transsylvania Nagyvarad, Koloszvar, Marosvasarhely. This places were all annexed by Hungary from Romania, 1940, through German support.
Perhaps the visit was coordinated with even separate surrendering talks, (in Turkey) and Raoul Wallenberg´s coincidental business visit, 1943 September/October. On Septem-ber 18, 1943, Mrs. (Antal) Ullein-Reviczky (British born: Lovice Louisa Grace Ullein-Rev-iczky née Cumberbatch) noted in her diary: « – Went to Balogh’s for luncheon. Met Mr. Wallenberg – old Mrs. Wallenberg’s grandson who is on business here. Very charming. » /S. Berger/.
– – -” Laszlo VERESS, the Hungarian emissary to the British diplomats and SOE -field-office in Turkey 1943, age 34, was too young and not promoted, could not be suspected of being in charge with the Hungarian pm Kallay´s separate surrender talks. Veress used most to go to Lisboa, as courier, but now in January, 1943,after Stalingrad, he met, Count Ciano, and Ribbentrop´s, German diplomat, Otto von Bismarck, ” with Europe´s most beatiful wife” (must be Ivar Tengbom´s daughter Ann-Marie BISMARCK, (marr. 1928).

March 6, Veress went to Istanbul, got two SOE-radios, back home to Budapest, living at the Garas utca. Then back to Istanbul, August 28, to meet the British minister Hugh Knatchbull-Hugessen, September 9, on a yacht at the Marmara sea.

Churchill and Eden knew about this, sounderings. But the British wanted a (1.)signed letter from Kallay or his government, to confirm, the agreement, and such letter was difficult, to deliver. (2.) A letter from a Hungarian official abroad to a UK official. (3.) Hungarian implementation of the British proposals, as sabotage etc. (Source: Laura-Louise Veress : (1995) Clear the line” : Hungary’s struggle to leave the Axis during the Second World War.) So there was a need of a secret courier from Hungary, September 1943, but unknown.
(Carl Kreuger / Travellers club: Stockholm : (Svd) March 12, 1942 / Lecture by jur. cand Carl Kreuger: “A visit in the world´s youngest state”. (Croatia)
From Craig McKay´s Excerpts: » Cover for Horney’s mission was arranged by having him included in a deputation of Swedish newspaper people invited to Budapest by the Hungarian Government. Apart from HORNEY, the deputation included Rickard Lindström of Socialdemokraten and Carl KREUGER of Aftonbladet. (** From the visit 1943 Septem-ber, of course Carl Kreuger then had a Hungarian experience, and published one article, in Aftonbladet in October.)

(Nils HORNEY was then recruited by Roy PEEL/U.S./OSS-agent, and before departure, a dinner at the restaurant Cattelin, in Stockholm, when Horney must memorize important Hungarian names, and one question, to the Hungarian representants: – Are you prep-ared to fight against the Germans, and become partisans ?.

(The journalists, met in Budapest- – – Hungarian Social Democrats, notably Karoly Peyer, Anna Kethly and the editor of Nepzava, Arpad Szakasits; his interpreter, Nana Hajduk; the Peasant Leader, Zoltan Tildy, (The Smallholders Party) and the Jewish magnate, Baron Kornfeld. Of all the political leaders, Horney spoke too, only Tildy was prepared to wage a partisan war against the Germans.- – –

This visit, was of course a possibility to exchange information, with Per ANGER espec-ially with Nils Horney (with an OSS-mision), implicated, perhaps Raoul was even present in Budapest, 1943, this weeks, but this visits haven´t been mentioned, put in context, with each other, or with the British/Hungarian separate surrender talks. Did Raoul even met Carl Kreuger, as he met him April 14, 1944, in Stockholm ? Was Raoul´s alleged contact with Cyrus CHESHIRE / British SIS-agent at the British legation, Stockholm, during August, 1943, (C.McKay), implicated ?
1943: March: Per Anger became friend of the engineer-student, and slalom skier, in Hungary, Georg LIBIK, (b.19). His father Albert Lipik, inventor, had tight contacts with the German war efforts industry. Libik´s mother of Jewish origin. Georg Libik was well in contact with the MFM leader, Albert Szent-Györgi, and married his daughter Nelly, in May 1944.
1944: August, Per Anger, meeting Iver Olsen and Herschel Johnson, “off record”, in Stockholm, August, and served as “cut-out” to Raoul in Budapest, as even Thorsten Akrell /C-buraeu UD-courier, delivered the two “OSS”-radios to Budapest, (with his wife, neé Alrutz.) where he probably even met Raoul, September 17, 1944. Without the Swedish Foreign department´s knowledge.
1944: Per Anger protected the Nobel prize laureate, (1937) issued Swedish citizenship, for Albert SZENT-GYÖRGI, in the MFM, (and even Georg Libik, sought protection in Budapest) , and could be housed in the Finnish legation´s house, and in the village Enying, Balaton, the Swedish evacuation house.

Libik, claims he personally suggested, to ANGER to talk, with the Budapest, Hungarian commander, Lt.General, Ivan HINDY to declare Budapest an “Open City”, in what Per Anger took part with the Neutrals.) This due to Libik´s memoires: Per Anger should have offered Swedish passport for Hindy´s family, and Napoleonic gold-coins, to bribe Hindy. But Hindy rejected this. (“Napoleonic gold-coins”, Catherine Schandl, mention in her book: The Swedish gold, Harry Wester).

(Anger mentions this visits in his book, 1979, he met General Ivan Hindy, but nothing about passports and goldbribes.) (** But in December 1944, the only possible action for the Neutrals protection of Jews, were through appealing to the German and Hungarian military commanders, bribing them with food, passports, perhaps values.)
1945: April 18: Per ANGER arrived home to Sweden, with the Swedish legation, lead by Ivan Danielsson, “in all 14 persons”. Missing people: Raoul Wallenberg.
1946 : Per Anger was assigned to the Swedish legation, Cairo, Egypt, Ivan Danielsson´s former assignment, to 1942.
1950: Februari :Per Anger conducted 1950, an official UD-inquest, about how to block/ mining the (Öre)Sound together with the Danish navy, in a presumed war case with the Soviet Union, but his proposals weren´t approved, and later an expert, (Neutrality com-mission 1994) as against the rules of neutrality. /Den dolda alliansen (Nato) M.Holm-ström 2012) (Helge Ljung was Supreme commander/ÖB to 1951)
1950: June 9: Olof ANGELIN, Navy commander (b.88.) Navy attache Copenhagen/Oslo 1934-1937, Paris, Haag, 1943-1947, Washington: married his (step)daughter Made-leine, with the Italian count, Carlo Emanuele Bodo di ALBARETTO, Rome.

(Angelin married 1930, Marianne von Essen, (b.94) who was married Per Ando Wikström, who died 1925, an uncle to Per Anger´s wife Elena, her father N.A. Wikström, captain/ cavalry, and Italian-borned mother Corinne Autenrieth. Marianne married 2nd with Olof Angelin.) Guests: Captain Nils Holmberg, Claes af Geijerstam, Lennart Angelin, * Per ANGER, Angelin´s youngest daughter Elisabeth, and as usual the singer Åke Collett.

(This Italian Count C. E. Bodo d’ Albaretto, participated as capitano in the Mussolini´s: Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia /CSIR, Italian 8th Army, in the German Barbarossa attack 1941, of the Soviet Union, July(!), 1941, ” 35° Corpo d’Armata – Div. Celere – 3° Artiglieria a cavallo.” First against the city Stalino (today Donetsk(!)) and then occupying the Odessa-district, 1941. But early 1943 this Italian army, was completely routed by the Red army around Stalingrad, together with the Romanians, and the Hungarian 2nd. army, big disasters for the Axis powers. The Italian casualities of ARMIRA: Of 235.000 men, 85.000 KIA/MIA, 35.000 wounded.)
1955 – 1961 : Per Anger was assigned to the Swedish embassy in Vienna, Austria, (before that in Paris, France.)
1953 : February: The Right´s party,/Högerpartiets conference : at Norrköping: Among 20 participants, general Helge JUNG, and man.dir. * Folke ANGER, Per Anger´s uncle.
1957 : January : George LIBIK ,(b.19) engineer, Anger´s driver, one of Raoul´s person-nel “, 1944-1945,defected from Hungary after taking part of the uprise, 1956, in Buda-pest, contacted, and got assistance of Per Anger (Vienna) to Sweden 1957, and later had an employment at the Statens provningssanstalt .( The couples Libik, were later accused of being spies, of Guillou/Bratt , for the Socialdemocrat party, Tage Erlander, 1968, and the IB, in the IB-affair, 1973. /source http://www./FiB-Kulturfront./
1958: 14/9: Guests at the Westgerman (BRD) chancellor Konrad ADENAUER`S CDU-partycongress in Kiel, for the Right party/ Högerpartiet: General Helge JUNG and Folke ANGER, Per´s Uncle.
1973: October, André LIBIK, George Libik´s brother, movie/ tv-producer, came to Sweden, to meet the SVTman -Frank Hirschfelt, to interview higher Swedish officials about the IB-affair, for the Süddeutsche Rundfunk…. but not allowed)
1979 : Anger published his memoires, from Budapest, after retirement.
1981: Anger writes foreword to Georg Libik´s biographical book.
David Anger´s brother , Folke ANGER, b.1906-1966, Per´s uncle was in the Right party(Högerpartiet), since the 1920s, later in the party´s working executive. 1932-1936 employed at the AB Osram-Elektraverken, 1937, salesmanager. (Osram, a German com-pany, affiliation in Sweden, 1928, became 1930, the AB Osram-Elektraverken, but con-fiscated 1945/46 of the Safehaven/ Flyktkapitalbyrån.)

(But the Edward HENKE`S the AB Osram-Elektraverken was on the Allieds ” Proclaimed blocked certain nationals” from 1941-1945, as the Svenska försäljnings AB ORION, two companies associated with the the Anger´s. The Hungarian Gamma -Werke´s blue-prints for anti-aircraft distance instruments was translated of the Hungarian engineer in Sweden, since 1935, Gabor Tolnai,(Arago AB) and produced of the Gerhard Arehn´s Mekaniska verkstad (later ARENCO) in Stockholm, Alströmergatan no. 20, within a 100 meters from Svenska Orion, at the Svarvargatan no. 14.
But why had Per ANGER, 25 years, some contacts,with Vilmos Forgacs, and the Orion/ Tungsram company, (Source I.Carlberg: 8 months during their establishing, the first years of th 1930s.), of a radioindustry affiliation in Sweden, (Ungarische Wolframlamp-enfabrik AG/Orion Svenska Orion försäljn. AB.) at Stockholm/ Södertälje: 1935-1965 ).

Maybe, a business-contact through his uncle, Folke ANGER, former officer/captain, (I15) and just seven years older,(b.06) and since 1932 at the German-owned company in Sweden, AB Osram-Elektraverken, and 1937 sales manager there. (AEG and SIEMENS merged 1919, to OSRAM)

* Folke ANGER was in fact married with the AB OSRAM-Elektra, boss´s Edvard Henke´s daughter Sigrun 1933, May 21, a grandiose wedding in the Storkyrkan, Stockholm, with military guard of honour. Guests: löjtnant Gerhard Quennerstedt, Jerker Henke,(f. 02. married 1932, prof. S.Velanders daughter, 1943 in the Stockholm Homeguard/I1) löjt-nant Gerald Hamilton, löjt. S. Djurberg, N. Stahre, Anders Hammarsjö,. dir. J.S. Edström (ASEA), löjt. A. Åhmansson, Sigurd Curman, Öv. A. von Arbin, Överste G.Salander, Hjör-dis Nordin-Tengbom, (then divorced from Ivar T., who wed Madeleine Douglas, 1931.) **Ann-Marie BISMARCK, / a daughter of Ivar Tengbom, married the nazidiplomat Otto von Bismarck/London/Rome ) the Baron H. Mörner and wife ,( must be Hampus Mörner, his daughter Birgit, married Filip Anger,Per´s uncle.) dir. N.E- Borgqvist, bank-dir. R. Julin, prof. S. Velander, och D. Nerman, Claes ANGER,(b.27), Per´s younger brother, as page, maybe even Per and Jan ANGER was present.

(Ivar Tengbom, the architect, drew Villa Henke, at Saltsjöbaden, at the Solsidan/ Ersta-viken. Ester and Edvard Henke were close friends of Ivar Tengboms, and knew and support Carl Milles./ Tengbom´s son, Anders, architect, visited even U.S. and Milles, about the same time as Raoul, 1930s. ).
(1942: June 20: Gösta Hagströmer married Ingvor Barthen, guests,: Birgitta Tengbom – Carl (Robert) Fredrik von. Horn, (b.10) brother of Knut. v. Horn, (Res.officer/ I1). (Daug-hter of Ivar Tengbom, and guest: Raoul Wallenberg.)
H. Edvard Henke, (b.1874-1946 ) 70 years old : 1944, congratulations from Dir. H.(erbert) ROHRER (1901-1991) : (Man. dir. OSRAM in Germany, 1940-1945, then in U.S.Army war criminal ,PoW-camp Landsberg, 1945, then in the Waldheim-process. ) Guests: Colonel F.Lovén, Sigurd Erixon, S. Curman, Birger Nerman.

(Henke in the board of ASEA 1911—1921, (STAL/Turbines) 1916—1921, Liljeholmens kabelverk 1916—1921, m fl. bolag, founded ab Elektraverken 1917,man. dir there/in the board 1917—1930, in the board Sveriges allm. exportfören (the Exportassociation) 1920- 1944 generalkonsul of Latvia, 1929—1939, man. dir., board of the Osram-Elektraverken, 1930—1941.

Chairman in the Osram-Elektraverken´s board was ASEA:s man.dir.(vd) J. Sigfrid EDSTRÖM to 1939. In Germany the AEG companies and Siemens merged into one enterprise (bulblamps)1919, the OSRAM. Henke became associated with his Elektra-verken, 1930 to the Osramkoncernen named AB Osram-Elektraverken. 1946, the company was during administration, of Iver Olsen´s Safehaven/and the Flyktkapital-byrån,

Tungsram in Hungary had since many years, produced for their army,(Honved) radio-sets, cables, and perhaps(!) Svenska Orion AB had some production/deliveries, in Sweden for military purposes,(at least 1932) as even the Hungarian Gamma /Juhasz bros. /Arenco AB in Sweden produced anti-aircraft distance measuring sets, applied to the Swedish Bofors-gun. (First delivery, to Sweden 1936) Even the Jungner-bolagen company, sold batteries, NiFe, and other military gears, in Hungary. (N.V. Philips (Lole Smit/MI6) had own a substantial part of the Tungsram, where Raoul, recruited his staff 1944, Hugo Wohl, and V. Forgacs. )S.Berger, 2010)
When the Swedish legation arrived to Stockholm, 1945 with the ship Arcturus, April 18, the minister Ivan Danielsson claimed : “We are in all, 14 persons.” (1.) Danielsson (2.) Anger (3.) Berg (4.) Ekemark (5.) Mezey (6.) Carlsson (7.) Bauer (8-11.) Bela Fenyi & wife, two sons Kjell and Björn (12.), mrs Burder (13.) mr Margel (14.) Asta Nilsson.= those are the 14.

Birgit Brulin and her fiancé Bela Galantay, engineer at the Gamma-Werke, are not men-tioned, of Danielsson.But due to Ingrid Carlberg (2012), Danielsson ordered Brulin, to go home to Sweden, in the beginning of December, 1944. (Perhaps Galantay, as Hungarian Gamma-engineer, but Swedish citizen, could have faced serious problems with the Russians.)

(As early as 1935, there stayed an Hungarian engineer, Gabor Tolnai, inventing anti-aircraft distance measuring ,the “centralinstrument” at the Arehns/Arenco,he trans-lated Gamma-Werke produced blueprints , the Hungarian invention ” Rapportoskop”.) The Svenska Orion´s and Arehn´s mekaniska verkstad,(Arenco) Stockholm-locations, within 100 meters distance. Some electronic devices were in the mechanical instrument, but unknown if they had some type of cooperation. Gabor Tolnai was anyway employed at the Arenco AB, 1939-1949, with this military production.

The Gamma-Werke industry, produced defencemateriel in Sweden, in cooperation with the Arenco AB (Juhasz) AB. The Gamma-industry was since 1930s deep involved in the Swedish defenceindustry. The Gamma-engineer Bela Galantay, stayed at the Swedish legation, engaged June,24 1944, with Brulin, in November 5, he stayed at the legation 1944, but probably, he went with Birgit Brulin, to Sweden in beginning December.
(Istvan Juhasz , head of the Gamma-Werke was arrested in Budapest, March 1948.)

Brulins lived at Bromma/ Ulvsunda, Stockholm. Something with radios there ? Yes, well-known, the STANDARD RADIO AB, since 1938,(affiliation and/of owned by ITT/United States.) produced for the military, field radios, army (Ra.-type), and beginning of 1960s, the comprehensive Stril-system for the Air force, air-war guidance. Some hundreds meter from Galantay´s adress, at the Ståltrådsvägen, unthought, a short walk to the work. I´m banking on that Bela worked there, from 1945/46, but unconfirmed.

Probably Brulin didn´t received a medal of merit, (Vasa) 8 cl., 1945, November 15, as P. Anger/ M.Bauer / G. Carlsson,(at the Hague-legation), probably because she left early in December,1944 before the Battle of Budapest. (But even Lars Berg was not mentioned then.) Per Anger mention Brulin, in his memoires and publish a copy of the Swedish legation´s certification of Birgit Brulin, in Russian, but even Anger doesn´t mentions that the couple, arrived, December, 1944, to Sweden – probably without any public attention.
Margareta BAUER served postwar, as tourist guide, for bustourists going to the con-tinent, from 1948-1949, at the Linjebuss. During the period of 1959-1970, Bauer served as clerk at the Swedish general consulate in Stuttgart, and Julius HAGANDER (b.01) (Consul from 1942 in Mannheim)

Fredrik. DARDEL´s diary 1961: ” The two Justice advisers of the Svea hovrätt (court of appeal),(Johan) GYLLENSVÄRD and Santesson, had criticized Dardels, through a state-ment required by the Primeminister Tage Erlander,(1960) in March and discussed even in April. The statement doubted if Raoul had been alive after Stalin´s death, 1953, and was not appreciated by Dardels, as being part of a planned letter to the Soviet party-secretary, N.S. Chrustjev. They asked (Sverker) “Åström”, of an advice, but he had no second opinions, than the statement´s. Probably it never was published.

Johan Gyllensvärd (b.16)., (jur cand)., Uppsala 1940, Svea hovrätt 1960-1964, married 1944 July, , Ingegerd BAUER (b.21) (phil.cand) a younger sister of Margareta Bauer. Of no or any significance unknown, in the Wallenberg-case.
“- – – Bauer married 1982, Tor OLSSON, head of the Barnängens AB´s affiliation,(chemicals/ hygiene) in Berlin 1939-1945, (owned by Harald Nordenson), and Bauer served as typist at the Swedish legation(UD) /Berlin, 1939, when first meeting Olson. But the wedding, 1982, was not acci-dental, it was Per Anger, as common friend who bringed them together.”- – – (Obituary 2013).
Libik met Per Anger and Raoul in Budapest, in december 1944. His first wife 1944, was Nelly, the daughter of Albert Szent-Györgi. Libik claimed he met Raoul in Budapest, in December 1944, in * Harvey Rosenfelds book : Raoul Wallenberg (1995). – – – Albert Szent-Györgi, stayed with Per Anger, at the Buda-side, and around Christmas, Georg Libik, joined. under the pseudonym Bela Ratkovsky. (as Anger´s driver)- ” It was one night after 22.00, when Wallenberg showed up at Anger´s apartment. He looked like a student, with red scarf and black winter coat. He was bareheaded and looked very pale. Libik first thought that Raoul mist be some sort of lunatic. He must be mad, it´s suicidal to be out so late at night, with all Arrow Cross roaming the streets. Raoul and Anger went to a corner and began conversing in low tones. A massacre was risked at the Ben-czur street, and Anger asked Libik to drive Raoul, to stop that, and he did, Libik waiting in his car.”- – –

Libik claimed he met Raoul even January 17, 1945: “- I´m going to meet the Russians and have money with me, to help the Jews. Later Libik, think 1980, that this was naïve, ” as no one could expect the Russians to do something positive, and humanitarian.Raoul seemed calm, but look thin and exhausted

Albert Szent-Györgi, had after the German invasion, been protected and stayed in Sept-ember in the Swedish protection house at the Balatonlake. As a Nobel-laureate, became Swedish citizen, but was a leader of the Hungarian resistancemovement, the MFM.

But Libik, claims he even had contacts with the: “Peace Party”, after 1942, the banned Hungarian Communist party´s frontorganisation, founded of Janos KADAR, one of the few resistance groups in Hungary, what so ever, then due to Libik. (Zoltan Schönherz, probably a member.)
But when reading Libik´s own short biography, translated “abstracts” from his own book, in Hungarian: “Rapport från störtloppet” , (1981) another picture appears. He then never met Raoul, that last day, January, 17, 1945, for some minutes. Libik had a Jewish mother, and his father Albert Libik, was an successful inventor, with business for the German war effort, and they lived in the more well-to-do, Roszadomb, neigbor-hoods in Budapest, close to the Swedish legation.

Libik, studying at the Budapest Technical Highschool, met Per Anger already, 1943, March, during a slalom,ski-competition. They started to socialize, and did physical training together. (There was an official, Swedish architecture exhibition, during April 14, 1943, ca at this school, with Ivan Danielsson present.)

The same year , 1943, Libik had received a scholarship to study gasturbines in Sweden, the Ljungström´s AB, STAL, owned of ASEA, perhaps this was a Per ANGER initiative ? Unknown. (But STAL, later offered to construct gasturbines for the Swedish air craft production). But the German invasion, 1944 changed this, Libik stayed at home. (In May, 1944, his mother died of household gas, probably, selfinflicted for fear of deportation, as many others, and Libik became hardened.)

Libik met Albert Szent-Györgi the same time,with his young daughter Nelly and married her in May, 1944. Szent-Györgi, was a leader in the: National Independent Resistance, (MFM) and was implicated in his own unofficial ” separate” separate surrender-talks in Turkey, 1943, a mission from the pm Miklos Kallay, with the British legation, but in February, 7.

1959, George Libik, and another Hungarian refugee in Sweden, DARDAI approached the UD, and Dardai claimed he met a compatriot, former POW in Russia, Horvath, in knock-ing-contact with Raoul, but UD didn´t show interest. 1961 Libik met even Fredrik Dardel and told him this.

But Gellert Kovacs doesn´t mention Georg Libik in his study of resistance people around Wallenberg. How come ? Perhaps because Libik took part of the Hungarian uprising 1956, October, and during the 1960s with his wife, was accused of spying for the Soc-ialdemocrat party, pm., Tage ERLANDER, and the IB, 1968 in Prague. This information became public during the IB-case, 1973/ FiB-Kulturfront/www.
1973: November 5, Expressen, the SVT-man (Public TV) Frank Hirschfeldt should help a West-german TV-journalist André LIBIK, Süddeutsche Rundfunk, to interview Swedish officials about the IB-affair. They only wanted to answer on written questions, printed in Exp-ressen.. But in fact this reporter,André was Georg Libik´s brother. How come ? This fact, seemed unknown in the article Frank Hirschfelt wrote in Expressen. André Libik´s questions were never answered of any Swedish official, and they seems no doubt, “intrusive”, not only in 1973, about Sweden´s contacts with foreign intelligence, (Shin Beth) and her foreign policy in case of war, (WP vs Nato) etc. I mean this visit during the heights of conflict in the Swedish IB-case, 1973, seems strange, why André Libik ?
One of George Libik´s “scoopes” were informations about the looming Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia, 1968, (August) already in June/July. Libik then met Ota Sik, in the Czech government. The SAP-leader Tage Erlander, gave the information to the IB, and later the SAP won that election, much thanks to the invasion, (they had knowledge about.) Libik was claimed using information, recorded from personal meetings with key persons, and then black-mailing, for more informations.

His 2nd wife Maria Glempa-Libik, with very good contacts in the higher partycircles, in Hungary,and relatives, served IB, very well. Later Maria Libik, was sent to Egypt, of IB, spying in some cooperation with Israel, 1970, bombtargets, during the war of attrition, but then not known of the SAP. Jan Guillou happened to meet her there, at a hotel, in Cairo, and claimed she was infiltrating the Egyptian air force, as “honey trap” for an Egyptian officer. Guillou claimed her to be ” Sweden´s most dangerous spy” but Maria Libik, denied that. She claimed, was just divorced from Georg, then on judicial separ-ation, and had then traveled to Egypt. But as the author P.O.ENQUIST asked:, 1973: Why didn´t the Libik´s sue Guillou and Bratt, the journalists” ?

But Libik received even research funds/scholarships from the state, 1963, 1965, for ” Research about the scientific research and higher education” and published surveys of scientific research in Eastern Europe, and to translate his book : “The Hungarian Exo-dus”,but seems not published. The one-man “cover” company the: Forskningsprodukter AB was Georg Libik´s , with the same address as his house at the Seglarvägen 13, Lidingö./www. Fib-Kulturfront. 1973.
How was Per Anger implicated in this refered contexts, from 1930-1960s ? My con-clusions are in some cases far-fetched, but from official publishings, about Per Anger´s “daily” life

Blasieholmsgatan 3:  New Questions about Raoul Wallenberg and the Wallenberg Family - Raoul Wallenberg (2024)


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Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.