Doe v. Bolton, 410 U.S. 179 (1973) - [PDF Document] (2024)

  • 8/17/2019 Doe v. Bolton, 410 U.S. 179 (1973)


    410 U.S. 179

    93 S.Ct. 739

    35 L.Ed.2d 201

    Mary DOE et al., Appellants,

    v.Arthur K. BOLTON, as Attorney General of the Stateof

    Georgia, et al.

    No. 70—40.

    Argued Dec. 13, 1971.

    Reargued Oct. 11, 1972.

    Decided Jan. 22, 1973.

    Rehearing Denied Feb. 26, 1973.

    See 410 U.S. 959, 93 S.Ct. 1410.


    Georgia law proscribes an abortion except as performed by a dulylicensedGeorgia physician when necessary in 'his best clinicaljudgment' because

    continued pregnancy would endanger a pregnant woman's life orinjure

    her health; the fetus would likely be born with a seriousdefect; or the

    pregnancy resulted from rape. § 26—1202(a) of Ga. CriminalCode. In

    addition to a requirement that the patient be a Georgia residentand certain

    other requirements, the statutory scheme poses threeprocedural

    conditions in § 26—1202(b): (1) that the abortion be performedin a

    hospital accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation ofHospitals(JCAH); (2) that the procedure be approved by the hospitalstaff abortion

    committee; and (3) that the performing physician's judgment beconfirmed

    by independent examinations of the patient by two otherlicensed

    physicians. Appellant Doe, an indigent married Georgiacitizen, who was

    denied an abortion after eight weeks of pregnancy for failure tomeet any

    of the § 26 1202(a) conditions, sought declaratory andinjunctive relief,

    contending that the Georgia laws were unconstitutional. Othersjoining in

    the complaint included Georgia-licensed physicians (who claimedthat theGeorgia statutes 'chilled and deterred' their practices),registered nurses,

    clergymen, and social workers. Though holding that all theplaintiffs had

    standing, the District Court ruled that only Doe presented ajusticiable

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    controversy. In Doe's case the court gave declaratory, but notinjunctive,

    relief, invalidating as an infringement of privacy and personalliberty the

    limitation to the three situations specified in § 26—1202(a) andcertain

    other provisions but holding that the State's interest in healthprotection

    and the existence of a 'potential of independent humanexistence' justified

    regulation through § 26 1202(b) of the 'manner of performance aswell as

    the quality of the final decision to abort.' The appellants,claimingentitlement to broader relief, directly appealed to thisCourt. Held:

    1. Doe's case presents a live, justiciable controversy and shehas standing

    to sue, Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705, 35 L.Ed.2d 147,as do

    the physician-appellants (who, unlike the physician in Wade,were not

    charged with abortion violations), and it is thereforeunnecessary to

    resolve the issue of the other appellants' standing. Pp.187—189.

    2. A woman's constitutional right to an abortion is notabsolute. Roe v.

    Wade, supra. P. 189.

    3. The requirement that a physician's decision to perform anabortion must

    rest upon 'his best clinical judgment' of its necessity isnot

    unconstitutionally vague, since that judgment may be made in thelight of

    all the attendant circ*mstances. United States v. Vuitch, 402U.S. 62, 71

    —72, 91 S.Ct. 1294, 1298—1299, 28 L.Ed.2d 601. Pp.191—192.

    4. The three procedural conditions in § 26—1202(b) violatethe

    Fourteenth Amendment. Pp. 192—200.

    (a) The JCAH-accreditation requirement is invalid, since theState has not

    shown that only hospitals (let alone those with JCAHaccreditation) meet

    its interest in fully protecting the patient; and a hospitalrequirement

    failing to exclude the first trimester of pregnancy would beinvalid on that

    ground alone, see Roe v. Wade, supra. Pp. 193—195.

    (b) The interposition of a hospital committee on abortion, aprocedure not

    applicable as a matter of state criminal law to other surgicalsituations, is

    unduly restrictive of the patient's rights, which are alreadysafeguarded by

    her personal physician. Pp. 195—198.

    (c) Required acquiescence by two copractitioners also has norational

    connection with a patient's needs and unduly infringes on herphysician's

    right to practice. Pp. 198—200.

    5. The Georgia residence requirement violates the Privilegesand

    Immunities Clause by denying protection to persons who enterGeorgia

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    for medical services there. Pp. 200.

    6. Appellants' equal protection argument centering on the threeprocedural

    conditions in § 26—1202(b), invalidated on other grounds, iswithout

    merit. Pp. 200—201.

    7. No ruling is made on the question of injunctive relief. Cf.Roe v. Wade,supra. P. 201.

    D.C., 319 F.Supp. 1048, modified and affirmed.

    Margie Pitts Hames, Atlanta, Ga., for appellants.

    Dorothy T. Beasley, Atlanta, Ga., for appellees.

    Mr. Justice BLACKMUN delivered the opinion of the Court.

    1 In this appeal, the criminal abortion statutes recentlyenacted in Georgia are

    challenged on constitutional grounds. The statutes are §§26—1201 through 26

    —1203 of the State's Criminal Code, formulated by GeorgiaLaws, 1968

    Session, pp. 1249, 1277 1280. In Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93S.Ct. 705, 35

    L.Ed.2d 147, we today have struck down, as constitutionallydefective, the

    Texas criminal abortion statutes that are representative ofprovisions long ineffect in a majority of our States. The Georgialegislation, however, is different

    and merits separate consideration.

    2 * The statutes in question are reproduced as Appendix A, post,p. 202. 1As the

    appellants acknowledge,2the 1968 statutes are patternedupon the American

    Law Institute's Model Penal Code, § 230.3 (Proposed OfficialDraft, 1962),

    reproduced as Appendix B, post, p. 205. The ALI proposal hasserved as the

    model for recent legislation in approximately one-fourth of ourStates.3Thenew Georgia provisions replaced statutory law thathad been in effect for more

    than 90 years. Georgia Laws 1876, No. 130, § 2, at113.4The predecessor

    statute paralleled the Texas legislation considered in Roe v.Wade, supra, and

    made all abortions criminal except those necessary 'to preservethe life' of the

    pregnant woman. The new statutes have not been tested onconstitutional

    grounds in the Georgia state courts.

    3 Section 26—1201, with a referenced exception, makes abortion acrime, and §26—1203 provides that a person convicted of that crimeshall be punished by

    imprisonment for not less than one nor more than 10 years.Section 26—

    1202(a) states the exception and removes from § 1201'sdefinition of criminal

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    abortion, and thus makes noncriminal, an abortion 'performed bya physician

    duly licensed' in Georgia when, 'based upon his best clinicaljudgment . . . an

    abortion is necessary because:

    4 '(1) A continuation of the pregnancy would endanger the lifeof the pregnant

    woman or would seriously and permanently injure her health;or

    5 '(2) The fetus would very likely be born with a grave,permanent, and

    irremediable mental or physical defect; or

    6 '(3) The pregnancy resulted from forcible or statutoryrape.'5

    7 Section 26—1202 also requires, by numbered subdivisions of itssubsection

    (b), that, for an abortion to be authorized or performed as anoncriminalprocedure, additional conditions must befulfilled. These are (1) and (2)

    residence of the woman in Georgia; (3) reduction to writing ofthe performing

    physician's medical judgment that an abortion is justifiedfor one or more of the

    reasons specified by § 26—1202(a), with written concurrence inthat judgment

    by at least two other Georgia-licensed physicians, basedupon their separate

    personal medical examinations of the woman; (4)performance of the abortion

    in a hospital licensed by the State Board of Health and alsoaccredited by the

    Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals; (5) advanceapproval by anabortion committee of not less than three members ofthe hospital's staff; (6)

    certifications in a rape situation; and (7), (8), and (9)maintenance and

    confidentiality of records. There is a provision (subsection(c)) for judicial

    determination of the legality of a proposed abortion on petitionof the judicial

    circuit law officer or of a close relative, as therein defined,of the unborn child,

    and for expeditious hearing of that petition. There is also aprovision

    (subsection (e)) giving a hospital the right not to admit anabortion patient and

    giving any physician and any hospital employee or staff memberthe right, on

    moral or religious grounds, not to participate in theprocedure.

    8 On April 16, 1970, Mary Doe, 623 other individuals (ninedescribed as

    Georgia-licensed physicians, seven as nurses registered in theState, five as

    clergymen, and two as social workers), and two nonprofit Georgiacorporations

    that advocate abortion reform instituted this federal action inthe Northern

    District of Georgia against the State's attorney general, thedistrict attorney of

    Fulton County, and the chief of police of the city of Atlanta.The plaintiffs

    sought a declaratory judgment that the Georgia abortion statuteswere

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    unconstitutional in their entirety. They also sought injunctiverelief restraining

    the defendants and their successors from enforcing thestatutes.

    Mary Doe alleged:

    9 (1) She was a 22-year-old Georgia citizen, married, and nineweeks pregnant.

    She had three living children. The two older ones had beenplaced in a foster

    home because of Doe's poverty and inability to care for them.The youngest,

    born July 19, 1969, had been placed for adoption. Herhusband had recently

    abandoned her and she was forced to live with her indigentparents and their

    eight children. She and her husband, however, had becomereconciled. He was

    a construction worker employed only sporadically. She had been amental

    patient at the State Hospital. She had been advised thatan abortion could be

    performed on her with less danger to her health than ifshe gave birth to the

    child she was carrying. She would be unable to care for orsupport the new


    10 (2) On March 25, 1970, she applied to the Abortion Committeeof Grady

    Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, for a therapeutic abortion under §26—1202. Her

    application was denied 16 days later, on April 10, when she waseight weeks

    pregnant, on the ground that her situation was not onedescribed in § 26—


    11 (3) Because her application was denied, she was forced eitherto relinquish 'her

    right to decide when and how many children she will bear' or toseek an

    abortion that was illegal under the Georgia statutes. Thisinvaded her rights of

    privacy and liberty in matters related to family,marriage, and sex, and deprived

    her of the right to choose whether to bear children. This was aviolation of

    rights guaranteed her by the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, andFourteenth

    Amendments. The statutes also denied her equal protection andprocedural due

    process and, because they were unconstitutionally vague,deterred hospitals and

    doctors from performing abortions. She sued 'on her own behalfand on behalf

    of all others similarly situated.'

    12 The other plaintiffs alleged that the Georgia statutes'chilled and deterred' them

    from practicing their respective professions and deprived themof rights

    guaranteed by the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments.These plaintiffs

    also purported to sue on their own behalf and on behalf ofothers similarlysituated.

    13 A three-judge district court was convened. An offer of proofas to Doe's

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    identity was made, but the court deemed it unnecessary toreceive that proof.

    The case was then tried on the pleadings andinterrogatories.

    14 The District Court, per curiam, 319 F.Supp. 1048(N.D.Ga.1970), held that all

    the plaintiffs had standing but that only Doe presented ajusticiable controversy.

    On the merits, the court concluded that the limitation in theGeorgia statute of

    the 'number of reasons for which an abortion may be sought,'id., at 1056,improperly restricted Doe's rights of privacyarticulated in Griswold v.

    Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479, 85 S.Ct. 1678, 14 L.Ed.2d 510 (1965),and of

    'personal liberty,' both of which it thought 'broad enough toinclude the decision

    to abort a pregnancy,' 319 F.Supp., at 1055. As a consequence,the court held

    invalid those portions of §§ 26—1202(a) and (b)(3) limitinglegal abortions to

    the three situations specified; § 26—1202(b)(6) relating tocertifications in a

    rape situation; and § 26—1202(c) authorizing a court test.Declaratory relief

    was granted accordingly. The court, however, held that Georgia'sinterest inprotection of health, and the existence of apotential of independent human

    existence' (emphasis in original), id., at 1055, justified stateregulation of 'the

    manner of performance as well as the quality of the finaldecision to abort,' id.,

    at 1056, and it refused to strike down the other provisions ofthe statutes. It

    denied the request for an injunction, id., at 1057.

    15 Claiming that they were entitled to an injunction and tobroader relief, the

    plaintiffs took a direct appeal pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §1253. We postponeddecision on jurisdiction to the hearing on themerits. 402 U.S. 941, 91 S.Ct.

    1614, 29 L.Ed.2d 109 (1971). The defendants also purported toappeal,

    pursuant to § 1253, but their appeal was dismissed forwant of jurisdiction. 402

    U.S. 936, 91 S.Ct. 1614, 1633, 29 L.Ed.2d 104 (1971). We areadvised by the

    appellees, Brief 42, that an alternative appeal on their part ispending in the

    United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. Theextent, therefore, to

    which the District Court decision was adverse to the defendants,that is, the

    extent to which portions of the Georgia statutes were held tobeunconstitutional, technically is not now before us.8Swarbv. Lennox, 405 U.S.

    191, 201, 92 S.Ct. 767, 772, 31 L.Ed.2d 138 (1972).

    16 Our decision in Roe v. Wade, ante, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct.705, 35 L.Ed.2d 147,

    establishes (1) that, despite her pseudonym, we may accept astrue, for this

    case, Mary Doe's existence and her pregnant state on April 16,1970; (2) thatthe constitutional issue is substantial; (3) that theinterim termination of Doe's

    and all other Georgia pregnancies in existence in 1970 has notrendered the case

    moot; and (4) that Doe presents a justiciable controversy andhas standing to

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    maintain the action.

    17 Inasmuch as Doe and her class are recognized, the questionwhether the other

    appellants—physicians, nurses, clergymen, social workers, andcorporations—

    present a justiciable controversy and have standing isperhaps a matter of no

    great consequence. We conclude, however, that thephysician-appellants, who

    are Georgia-licensed doctors consulted by pregnant women, alsopresent ajusticiable controversy and do have standing despitethe fact that the record

    does not disclose that any one of them has been prosecuted, orthreatened with

    prosecution, for violation of the State's abortionstatutes. The physician is the

    one against whom these criminal statutes directly operate in theevent he

    procures an abortion that does not meet the statutoryexceptions and conditions.

    The physician-appellants, therefore, assert a sufficientlydirect threat of

    personal detriment. They should not be required to awaitand undergo a

    criminal prosecution as the sole means of seeking relief.Crossen v.Breckenridge, 446 F.2d 833, 839—840 (CA6 1971); Poe v.Menghini, 339

    F.Supp. 986, 990—991 (Kan.1972).

    18 In holding that the physicians, while theoretically possessedof standing, did not

    present a justiciable controversy, the District Courtseems to have relied

    primarily on Poe v. Ullman, 367 U.S. 497, 81 S.Ct. 1752, 6L.Ed.2d 989

    (1961). There, a sharply divided Court dismissed an appeal froma state court

    on the ground that it presented no real controversy justifyingthe adjudication ofa constitutional issue. But the challengedConnecticut statute, deemed to

    prohibit the giving of medical advice on the use ofcontraceptives, had been

    enacted in 1879, and, apparently with a single exception, no onehad ever been

    prosecuted under it. Georgia's statute, in contrast, isrecent and not moribund.

    Furthermore, it is the successor to another Georgia abortionstatute under

    which, we are told,9physicians were prosecuted. Thepresent case, therefore, is

    closer to Epperson v. Arkansas, 393 U.S. 97, 89 S.Ct. 266, 21L.Ed.2d 228

    (1968), where the Court recognized the right of a schoolteacher, though not yetcharged criminally, to challenge her State'santi-evolution statute. See also

    Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S., at 481, 85 S.Ct. 1678.

    19 The parallel claims of the nurse, clergy, social worker, andcorporation-

    appellants are another step removed and as to them, the Georgiastatutes

    operate less directly. Not being licensed physicians, the nursesand the others

    are in no position to render medical advice. They would bereached by the

    abortion statutes only in their capacity as accessories or ascounselor-conspirators. We conclude that we need not pass upon thestatus of these

    additional appellants in this suit, for the issues aresufficiently and adequately

    presented by Doe and the physician-appellants, and nothingis gained or lost by

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    the presence or absence of the nurses, the clergymen, the socialworkers, and

    the corporations. See Roe v. Wade, supra, 410 U.S., at 127, 93S.Ct., at 714.

    20 The appellants attack on several grounds those portions ofthe Georgia abortion

    statutes that remain after the District Court decision: unduerestriction of a rightto personal and marital privacy; vagueness;deprivation of substantive and

    procedural due process; improper restriction to Georgiaresidents; and denial of

    equal protection.

    21 A. Roe v. Wade, supra, sets forth our conclusion that apregnant woman does

    not have an absolute constitutional right to an abortion on herdemand. What is

    said there is applicable here and need not be repeated.

    22 B. The appellants go on to argue, however, that the presentGeorgia statutes

    must be viewed historically, that is, from the fact that priorto the 1968 Act an

    abortion in Georgia was not criminal if performed to 'preservethe life' of the

    mother. It is suggested that the present statute, as well, hasthis emphasis on the

    mother's rights, not on those of the fetus. Appellants contendthat it is thus clear

    that Georgia has given little, and certainly not first,consideration to the unborn

    child. Yet, it is the unborn child's rights that Georgia assertsin justification of

    the statute. Appellants assert that this justification cannot beadvanced at thislate date.

    23 Appellants then argue that the statutes do not adequatelyprotect the woman's

    right. This is so because it would be physically and emotionallydamaging to

    Doe to bring a child into her poor, 'fatherless'10family,and because advances in

    medicine and medical techniques have made it safer for a womanto have a

    medically induced abortion than for her to bear a child. Thus,'a statute that

    requires a woman to carry an unwanted pregnancy to terminfringes not only on

    a fundamental right of privacy but on the right to life itself.'Brief 27.

    24 The appellants recognize that a century ago medical knowledgewas not so

    advanced as it is today, that the techniques of antisepsis werenot known, and

    that any abortion procedure was dangerous for the woman. Torestrict the

    legality of the abortion to the situation where it was deemednecessary, in

    medical judgment, for the preservation of the woman's life wasonly a natural

    conclusion in the exercise of the legislative judgment of thattime. A State is not

    to be reproached, however, for a past judgmental determinationmade in the

    light of then-existing medical knowledge. It is perhaps unfairto argue, as the

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    appellants do, that because the early focus was on thepreservation of the

    woman's life the State's present professed interest in theprotection of

    embryonic and fetal life is to be downgraded. That argumentdenies the State

    the right to readjust its views and emphases in the light of theadvanced

    knowledge and techniques of the day.

    25 C. Appellants argue that § 26—1202(a) of the Georgiastatutes, as it has beenleft by the District Court's decision, isunconstitutionally vague. This argument

    centers on the proposition that, with the District Court'shaving struck down the

    statutorily specified reasons, it still remains a crime for aphysician to perform

    an abortion except when, as § 26—1202(a) reads, it is vbasedupon his best

    clinical judgment that an abortion is necessary.' The appellantscontend that the

    word 'necessary' does not warn the physician of what conduct isproscribed;

    that the statute is wholly without objective standards and issubject to diverse

    interpretation; and that doctors will choose to err on the sideof caution and willbe arbitrary.

    26 The net result of the District Court's decision is that theabortion determination,

    so far as the physician is concerned, is made in the exercise ofhis professional,

    that is, his 'best clinical,' judgment in the light of all theattendant

    circ*mstances. He is not now restricted to the three situationsoriginally

    specified. Instead, he may range farther afield wherever hismedical judgment,

    properly and professionally exercised, so dictates anddirects him.

    27 The vagueness argument is set at rest by the decision inUnited States v.

    Vuitch, 402 U.S. 62, 71—72, 91 S.Ct. 1294, 1298 1299, 28 L.Ed.2d601

    (1971), where the issue was raised with respect to a District ofColumbia statute

    making abortions criminal 'unless the same were done asnecessary for the

    preservation of the mother's life or health and under thedirection of a

    competent licensed practitioner of medicine.' That statute hasbeen construed to

    bear upon psychological as well as physical wellbeing.This being so, the Court

    concluded that the term 'health' presented no problem ofvagueness. 'Indeed,

    where a particular operation is necessary for a patient'sphysical or mental

    health is a judgment that physicians are obviously called uponto make

    routinely whenever surgery is considered.' Id., at 72, 91 S.Ct.,at 1299. This

    conclusion is equally applicable here. Whether, in the words ofthe Georgia

    statute, 'an abortion is necessary' is a professional judgmentthat the Georgia

    physician will be called upon to make routinely.

    28 We agree with the District Court, 319 F.Supp., at 1058, thatthe medical

    judgment may be exercised in the light of all factorsphysical, emotional,

    psychological, familial, and the woman's age relevant tothe well-being of the

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    patient. All these factors may relate to health. Thisallows the attending

    physician the room he needs to make his best medicaljudgment. And it is room

    that operates for the benefit, not the disadvantage, of thepregnant woman.

    29 D. The appellants next argue that the District Court shouldhave declared

    unconstitutional three procedural demands of the Georgiastatute: (1) that the

    abortion be performed in a hospital accredited by the JointCommission onAccreditation of Hospitals:11(2) that theprocedure be approved by the hospital

    staff abortion committee; and (3) that the performingphysician's judgment be

    confirmed by the independent examinations of the patient by twoother licensed

    physicians. The appellants attack these provisions notonly on the ground that

    they unduly restrict the woman's right of privacy, but also onprocedural due

    process and equal protection grounds. Thephysician-appellants also argue that,

    by subjecting a doctor's individual medical judgment tocommittee approval

    and to confirming consultations, the statute impermissiblyrestricts thephysician's right to practice his profession anddeprives him of due process.

    30 1. JCAH accreditation. The Joint Commission on Accreditationof Hospitals is

    an organization without governmental sponsorship or overtones.No question

    whatever is raised concerning the integrity of the organizationor the high

    purpose of the accreditation process.12That process,however, has to do with

    hospital standards generally and has no present particularizedconcern with

    abortion as a medical or surgical procedure.13In Georgia,there is no restrictionon the performance of nonabortion surgery ina hospital not yet accredited by

    the JCAH so long as other requirements imposed by the State,such as licensing

    of the hospital and of the operating surgeon, are met. SeeGeorgia Code §§ 88

    —1901(a) and 88—1905 (1971) and 84—907 (Supp.1971).Furthermore,

    accreditation by the Commission is not granted until a hospitalhas been in

    operation at least one year. The Model Penal Code, § 230.3,Appendix B

    hereto, contains no requirement for JCAH accreditation. And theUniform

    Abortion Act (Final Draft, Aug. 1971),14approved by theAmerican BarAssociation in February 1972, contains noJCAH-accredited hospital

    specification.15Some courts have held that aJCAH-accreditation requirement

    is an overbroad infringement of fundamental righs because itdoes not relate to

    the particular medical problems and dangers of the abortionoperation. E.g.,

    Poe v. Menghini, 339 F.Supp., at 993 994.

    31 We hold that the JCAH-accreditation requirement does notwithstand

    constitutional scrutiny in the present context. It is arequirement that simply isnot 'based on differences that arereasonably related to the purposes of the Act

    in which it is found.' Morey v. Doud, 354 U.S. 457, 465, 77S.Ct. 1344, 1350, 1

    L.Ed.2d 1485 (1957).

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    32 This is not say that Georgia many not or should not, from andafter the end of

    the first trimester, adopt standards for licensing allfacilities where abortions

    may be performed so long as those standards are legitimatelyrelated to the

    objective the State seeks to accomplish. The appellants contendthat such a

    relationship would be lacking even in a lesser requirement thatan abortion be

    performed in a licensed hospital, as opposed to afacility, such as a clinic, that

    may be required by the State to possess all the staffing andservices necessaryto perform an abortion safely (including thoseadequate to handle serious

    complications or other emergency, or arrangements with a nearbyhospital to

    provide such services). Appellants and various amici havepresented us with a

    mass of data purporting to demonstrate that some facilitiesother than hospitals

    are entirely adequate to perform abortions if they possess thesequalifications.

    The State, on the other hand, has not presented persuasive datato show that

    only hospitals meet its acknowledged interest in insuring thequality of the

    operation and the full protection of the patient. We feelcompelled to agree withappellants that the State must show morethan it has in order to prove that only

    the full resources of a licensed hospital, rather than those ofsome other

    appropriately licensed institution, satisfy these healthinterests. We hold that the

    hospital requirement of the Georgia law, because it fails toexclude the first

    trimester of pregnancy, see Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S., at 163, 93S.Ct., at 732, is

    also invalid. In so holding we naturally express no opinion onthe medical

    judgment involved in any particular case, that is, whetherthe patient's situation

    is such that an abortion should be performed in a hospital,rather than in someother facility.

    33 2. Committee approval. The second aspect of the appellants'procedural attack

    relates to the hospital abortion committee and to the pregnantwoman's asserted

    lack of access to that committee. Relying primarily on Goldbergv. Kelly, 397

    U.S. 254, 90 S.Ct. 1011, 25 L.Ed.2d 287 (1970), concerning thetermination of

    welfare benefits, and Wisconsin v. Constantineau, 400 U.S. 433,91 S.Ct. 507,

    27 L.Ed.2d 515 (1971), concerning the posting of an alcoholic'sname, Doefirst argues that she was denied due process because shecould not make a

    presentation to the committee. It is not clear from therecord, however, whether

    Doe's own consulting physician was or was not a member of thecommittee or

    did or did not present her case, or, indeed, whether she herselfwas or was not

    there. We see nothing in the Georgia statute that explicitlydenies access to the

    committee by or on behalf of the woman. If the access pointalone were

    involved, we would not be persuaded to strike down the committeeprovision

    on the unsupported assumption that access is not provided.

    34 Appellants attack the discretion the statute leaves to thecommittee. The most

    concrete argument they advance is their suggestion that it isstill a badge of

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    infamy 'in many minds' to bear an illegitimate child, and thatthe Georgia

    system enables the committee members' personal views as toextramarital sex

    relations, and punishment therefor, to govern their decisions.This approach

    obviously is one founded on suspicion and one that discloses alack of

    confidence in the integrity of physicians. To say thatphysicians will be guided

    in their hospital committee decisions by their predilections onextramarital sex

    unduly narrows the issue to pregnancy outside marriage. (Doe'sown situationdid not involve extramarital sex and its product.) Theappellants' suggestion is

    necessarily somewhat degrading to the conscientious physician,particularly the

    obstetrician, whose professional activity is concerned with thephysical and

    mental welfare, the woes, the emotions, and the concern of hisfemale patients.

    He, perhaps more than anyone else, is knowledgeable in this areaof patient

    care, and he is aware of human fraitly, so-called 'error,' andneeds. The good

    physician—despite the presence of rascals in the medicalprofession, as in all

    others, we trust that most physicians are 'good'—will havesympathy andunderstanding for the pregnant patient that probablyare not exceeded by those

    who participate in other areas of professional counseling.

    35 It is perhaps worth noting that the abortion committee has afunction of its own.

    It is a committee of the hospital and it is composed of membersof the

    institution's medical staff. The membership usually is achanging one. In this

    way, its work burden is shared and is more readily accepted. Thecommittee's

    function is protective. It enables the hospital appropriately tobe advised that itsposture and activities are in accord withlegal requirements. It is to be

    remembered that the hospital is an entity and that it, too, haslegal rights and

    legal obligations.

    36 Saying all this, however, does not settle the issue of theconstitutional propriety

    of the committee requirement. Viewing the Georgia statute as awhole, we see

    no constitutionally justifiable pertinence in the structure forthe advance

    approval by the abortion committee. With regard to theprotection of potentiallife, the medical judgment is alreadycompleted prior to the committee stage,

    and review by a committee once removed from diagnosis isbasically

    redundant. We are not cited to any other surgical procedure madesubject to

    committee approval as a matter of state criminal law. Thewoman's right to

    receive medical care in accordance with her licensed physician'sbest judgment

    and the physician's right to administer it are substantiallylimited by this

    statutorily imposed overview. And the hospital itself isotherwise fully

    protected. Under § 26—1202(e), the hospital is free not toadmit a patient foran abortion. It is even free not to havean abortion committee. Further a

    physician or any other employee has the right to refrain,for moral or religious

    reasons, from participating in the abortion procedure. Theseprovisions

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    obviously are in the statute in order to afford appropriateprotection to the

    individual and to the denominational hospital. Section26—1202(e) affords

    adequate protection to the hospital, and little more is providedby the

    committee prescribed by § 26—1202(b)(5).

    37 We conclude that the interposition of the hospital abortioncommittee is unduly

    restrictive of the patient's rights and needs that, at thispoint, have already beenmedically delineated and substantiated byher personal physician. To ask more

    serves neither the hospital nor the State.

    38 3. Two-doctor concurrence. The third aspect of theappellants' attack centers on

    the 'time and availability of adequate medical facilities andpersonnel.' It is said

    that the system imposes substantial and irrational roadblocksand 'is patently

    unsuited' to prompt determination of the abortion decision.Time, of course, is

    critical in abortion. Risks during the first trimester ofpregnancy are admittedly

    lower than during later months.

    39 The appellants purport to show by a local study16ofGrady Memorial Hospital

    (serving indigent residents in Fulton and DeKalb Counties) thatthe 'mechanics

    of the system itself forced . . . discontinuance of the abortionprocess' because

    the median time for the workup was 15 days. The same studyshows, however,

    that 27% of the candidates for abortion were already 13 or moreweeks

    pregnant at the time of application, that is, they were atthe end of or beyond

    the first trimester when they made their applications. It is toomuch to say, as

    appellants do, that these particular persons 'were victims of asystem over which

    they (had) no control.' If higher risk was incurred because ofabortions in the

    second rather than the first trimester, much of that risk wasdue to delay in

    application, and not to the alleged cumbersomeness of thesystem. We note, in

    passing, that appellant Doe had no delay problem herself;the decision in her

    case was made well within the first trimester.

    40 It should be manifest that our rejection of theaccredited-hospital requirement

    and, more important, of the abortion committee's advanceapproval eliminates

    the major grounds of the attack based on the system's delay andthe lack of

    facilities. There remains, however, the required confirmation bytwo Georgia-

    licensed physicians in addition to the recommendation of thepregnant woman's

    own consultant (making under the statute, a total of sixphysicians involved,

    including the three on the hospital's abortion committee). Weconclude that this

    provision, too, must fall.

    41 The statute's emphasis, as has been repetitively noted, is onthe attending

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    physician's 'best clinical judgment that an abortion isnecessary.' That should be

    sufficient. The reasons for the presence of the confirmationstep in the statute

    are perhaps apparent, but they are insufficient to withstandconstitutional

    challenge. Again, no other voluntary medical or surgicalprocedure for which

    Georgia requires confirmation by two other physicians has beencited to us. If a

    physician is licensed by the State, he is recognized bythe State as capable of

    exercising acceptable clinical judgment. If he fails in this,professional censureand deprivation of his license are availableremedies. Required acquiescence by

    co-practitioners has no rational connection with a patient'sneeds and unduly

    infringes on the physician's right to practice. The attendingphysician will know

    when a consultation is advisable—the doubtful situation, theneed for assurance

    when the medical decision is a delicate one, and the like.Physicians have

    followed this routine historically and know its usefulness andbenefit for all

    concerned. It is still true today that '(r)eliance must beplaced upon the

    assurance given by his license, issued by an authority competentto judge inthat respect, that he (the physician) possesses therequisite qualifications.' Dent

    v. West Virginia, 129 U.S. 114, 122—123, 9 S.Ct. 231, 233, 32L.Ed. 623

    (1889). See United States v. Vuitch, 402 U.S., at 71, 91 1298.

    42 E. The appellants attack the residency requirement of theGeorgia law, §§ 26—

    1202(b)(1) and (b)(2), as violative of the right to travelstressed in Shapiro v.

    Thompson, 394 U.S. 618, 629 631, 89 S.Ct. 1322, 1328—1330, 22L.Ed.2d 600

    (1969), and other cases. A requirement of this kind, of course,could be deemedto have some relationship to the availability ofpost-procedure medical care for

    the aborted patient.

    43 Nevertheless, we do not uphold the constitutionality ofthe residence

    requirement. It is not based on any policy of preservingstate-supported

    facilities for Georgia residents, for the bar also applies toprivate hospitals and

    to privately retained physicians. There is no intimation,either, that Georgia

    facilities are utilized to capacity in caring for Georgiaresidents. Just as thePrivileges and Immunities Clause, Const. Art.IV, § 2, protects persons who

    enter other States to ply their trade, Ward v. Maryland, 12Wall. 418, 430, 20

    L.Ed. 449 (1871); Blake v. McClung, 172 U.S. 239, 248—256, 19S.Ct. 165,

    168—172, 43 L.Ed. 432 (1898), so must it protect persons whoenter Georgia

    seeking the medical services that are available there. SeeToomer v. Witsell,

    334 U.S. 385, 396—397, 68 S.Ct. 1156, 1162—1163, 92 L.Ed. 1460(1948). A

    contrary holding would mean that a State could limit to its ownresidents the

    general medical care available within its borders. This we couldnot approve.

    44 F. The last argument on this phase of the case is one thatoften is made, namely,

    that the Georgia system is violative of equal protection becauseit discriminates

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    Criminal Code of Georgia

    against the poor. The appellants do not urge that abortionsshould be performed

    by persons other than licensed physicians, so we have noargument that because

    the wealthy can better afford physicians, the poor should havenon-physicians

    made available to them. The appellants acknowledged that theprocedures are

    'nondiscriminatory in . . . express terms' but they suggest thatthey have

    produced invidious discriminations. The District Courtrejected this approach

    out of hand. 319 F.Supp., at 1056. It rests primarily on theaccreditation andapproval and confirmation requirements, discussedabove, and on the assertion

    that most of Georgia's counties have no accredited hospital. Wehave set aside

    the accreditation, approval, and confirmation requirements,however, and with

    that, the discrimination argument collapses in all significantaspects.

    45 The appellants complain, finally, of the District Court'sdenial of injunctiverelief. A like claim was made in Roe v. Wade,410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705, 35

    L.Ed.2d 147. We declined decision there insofar as injunctiverelief was

    concerned, and we decline it here. We assume that Georgia'sprosecutorial

    authorities will give full recognition to the judgment of thisCourt.

    46 In summary, we hold that the JCAH-accredited hospitalprovision and the

    requirements as to approval by the hospital abortion committee,as to

    confirmation by two independent physicians, and as to residencein Georgia areall violative of the Fourteenth Amendment.Specifically, the following portions

    of § 26—1202(b), remaining after the District Court's judgment,are invalid:

    47 (1) Subsections (1) and (2).

    48 (2) That portion of Subsection (3) following the words'(s)uch physician's

    judgment is reduced to writing.'

    49 (3) Subsections (4) and (5).

    50 The judgment of the District Court is modified accordinglyand, as so modified,

    is affirmed. Costs are allowed to the appellants.

    51 (The italicized portions are those held unconstitutional bythe District Court)

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    CHAPTER 26—12. ABORTION.52

    53 26—1201. Criminal Abortion. Except as otherwise provided insection 26—

    1202, a person commits criminal abortion when he administers anymedicine,

    drug or other substance whatever to any woman or when he usesany instrument

    or other means whatever upon any woman with intent to produce amiscarriage

    or abortion.

    54 26—1202. Exception. (a) Section 26—1201 shall not apply to anabortion

    performed by a physician duly licensed to practicemedicine and surgery

    pursuant to Chapter 84—9 or 84—12 of the Code of Georgiaof 1933, as

    amended, based upon his best clinical judgment that an abortionis necessary


    55 (1) A continuation of the pregnancy would endanger the lifeof the pregnant

    woman or would seriously and permanently injure her health;or

    56 (2) The fetus would very likely be born with a grave,permanent, and

    irremediable mental or physical defect; or

    57 (3) The pregnancy resulted from forcible or statutoryrape.

    58 (b) No abortion is authorized or shall be performed underthis section unless

    each of the following conditions is met:

    59 (1) The pregnant woman requesting the abortion certifies inwriting under oath

    and subject to the penalties of false swearing to the physicianwho proposes to

    perform the abortion that she is a bona fide legalresident of the State of


    60 (2) The physician certifies that he believes the woman is abona fide resident of

    this State and that he has no information which should lead himto believe


    61 (3) Such physician's judgment is reduced to writing andconcurred in by at least

    two other physicians duly licensed to practice medicine andsurgery pursuant to

    Chapter 84—9 of the Code of Georgia of 1933, as amended, whocertify inwriting that based upon their separate personal medicalexaminations of the

    pregnant woman, the abortion is, in their judgment,necessary because of one or

    more of the reasons enumerated above.

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    62 (4) Such abortion is performed in a hospital licensed by theState Board of

    Health and accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditationof Hospitals.

    63(5) The performance of the abortion has been approved inadvance by a

    committee of the medical staff of the hospital in which theoperation is to be

    performed. This committee must be one established andmaintained in

    accordance with the standards promulgated by the JointCommission on theAccreditation of Hospitals, and its approval mustbe by a majority vote of a

    membership of not less than three members of the hospital'sstaff; the physician

    proposing to perform the operation may not be counted as amember of the

    committee for this purpose.

    64 (6) If the proposed abortion is considered necessary becausethe woman has

    been raped, the woman makes a written statement underoath, and subject to the

    penalties of false swearing, of the date, time and placeof the rape and the name

    of the rapist, if known. There must be attached to thisstatement a certified copy

    of any report of the rape made by any law enforcement officer oragency and a

    statement by the solicitor general of the judicial circuit wherethe rape occurred

    or allegedly occurred that, according to his best information,there is probable

    cause to believe that the rape did occur.

    65 (7) Such written opinions, statements, certificates, andconcurrences are

    maintained in the permanent files of such hospital and areavailable at all

    reasonable times to the solicitor general of the judicialcircuit in which the

    hospital is located.

    66 (8) A copy of such written opinions, statements,certificates, and concurrences

    is filed with the Director of the State Department of PublicHealth within 10

    days after such operation is performed.

    67 (9) All written opinions, statements, certificates, andconcurrences filed and

    maintained pursuant to paragraphs (7) and (8) of this subsectionshall be

    confidential records and shall not be made available for publicinspection at any


    68 (c) Any solicitor general of the judicial circuit in which anabortion is to be

    performed under this section, or any person who would be arelative of the

    child within the second degree of consanguinity, may petitionthe superiorcourt of the county in which the abortion is tobe performed for a declaratory

    judgment whether the performance of such abortion wouldviolate any

    constitutional or other legal rights of the fetus. Suchsolicitor general may also

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    American Law Institute


    Section 230.3. Abortion.

    petition such court for the purpose of taking issue withcompliance with the

    requirements of this section. The physician who proposes toperform the

    abortion and the pregnant woman shall be respondents. Thepetition shall be

    heard expeditiously and if the court adjudges that such abortionwould violate

    the constitutional or other legal rights of the fetus, the courtshall so declare and

    shall restrain the physician from performing the abortion.

    69 (d) If an abortion is performed in compliance with thissection, the death of the

    fetus shall not give rise to any claim for wrongful death.

    70 (e) Nothing in this section shall require a hospital to admitany patient under the

    provisions hereof for the purpose of performing anabortion, nor shall any

    hospital be required to appoint a committee such as contemplatedunder

    subsection (b)(5). A physician, or any other person who is amember of or

    associated with the staff of a hospital, or any employee of ahospital in which an

    abortion has been authorized, who shall state in writing anobjection to such

    abortion on moral or religious grounds shall not be required toparticipate in the

    medical procedures which will result in the abortion, and therefusal of any

    such person to participate therein shall not form the basis ofany claim for

    damages on account of such refusal or for any disciplinary orrecriminatory

    action against such person.

    71 26—1203. Punishment. A person convicted of criminal abortionshall be

    punished by imprisonment for not less than one nor morethan 10 years.


    73 (1) Unjustified Abortion. A person who purposely andunjustifiably terminates

    the pregnancy of another otherwise than by a live birth commitsa felony of the

    third degree or, where the pregnancy has continued beyond thetwenty-sixth

    week, a felony of the second degree.

    74 (2) Justifiable Abortion. A licensed physician is justifiedin terminating apregnancy if he believes there is substantialrisk that continuance of the

    pregnancy would gravely impair the physical or mentalhealth of the mother or

    that the child would be born with grave physical or mentaldefect, or that the

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    pregnancy resulted from rape, incest, or other feloniousintercourse. All illicit

    intercourse with a girl below the age of 16 shall be deemedfelonious for

    purposes of this subsection. Justifiable abortions shallbe performed only in a

    licensed hospital except in case of emergency when hospitalfacilities are

    unavailable. (Additional exceptions from the requirement ofhospitalization

    may be incorporated here to take account of situations insparsely settled areas

    where hospitals are not generally accessible.)

    75 (3) Physicians' Certificates; Presumption fromNon-Compliance. No abortion

    shall be performed unless two physicians, one of whom may be theperson

    performing the abortion, shall have certified in writingthe circ*mstances which

    they believe to justify the abortion. Such certificate shall besubmitted before

    the abortion to the hospital where it is to be performed and, inthe case of

    abortion following felonious intercourse, to the prosecutingattorney or the

    police. Failure to comply with any of the requirements ofthis Subsection givesrise to a presumption that the abortion wasunjustified.

    76 (4) Self-Abortion. A woman whose pregnancy has continuedbeyond the

    twenty-sixth week commits a felony of the third degree if shepurposely

    terminates her own pregnancy otherwise than by a live birth, orif she uses

    instruments, drugs or violence upon herself for that purpose.Except as justified

    under Subsection (2), a person who induces or knowingly aids awoman to use

    instruments, drugs or violence upon herself for the purpose ofterminating herpregnancy otherwise than by a live birthcommits a felony of the third degree

    whether or not the pregnancy has continued beyond thetwenty-sixth week.

    77 (5) Pretended Abortion. A person commits a felony of thethird degree if,

    representing that it is his purpose to perform an abortion, hedoes an act

    adapted to cause abortion in a pregnant woman although the womanis in fact

    not pregnant, or the actor does not believe she is. A personcharged with

    unjustified abortion under Subsection (1) or an attempt tocommit that offense

    may be convicted thereof upon proof of conduct prohibited bythis Subsection.

    78 (6) Distribution of Abortifacients. A person who sells,offers to sell, possesses

    with intent to sell, advertises, or displays for sale anythingspecially designed to

    terminate a pregnancy, or held out by the actor as useful forthat purpose,

    commits a misdemeanor, unless:

    79 (a) the sale, offer or display is to a physician or druggistor to an intermediary in

    a chain of distribution to physicians or druggists; or

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    80 (b) the sale is made upon prescription or order of aphysician; or

    81 (c) the possession is with intent to sell as authorized inparagraphs (a) and (b);


    82 (d) the advertising is addressed to persons named inparagraph (a) and confinedto trade or professional channels notlikely to reach the general public.

    83 (7) Section Inapplicable to Prevention of Pregnancy. Nothingin this Section

    shall be deemed applicable to the prescription, administrationor distribution of

    drugs or other substances for avoiding pregnancy, whether bypreventing

    implantation of a fertilized ovum or by any other method thatoperates before,

    at or immediately after fertilization.

    84 Mr. Chief Justice BURGER, concurring.

    85 I agree that, under the Fourteenth Amendment to theConstitution, the abortion

    statutes of Georgia and Texas impermissibly limit theperformance of abortions

    necessary to protect the health of pregnant women, using theterm health in its

    broadest medical context. See United States v. Vuitch, 402U.S. 62, 71—72, 91

    S.Ct. 1294, 1298—1299, 28 L.Ed.2d 601 (1971). I am somewhattroubled that

    the Court has taken notice of various scientific and medicaldata in reaching its

    conclusion; however, I do not believe that the Court hasexceeded the scope of

    judicial notice accepted in other contexts.

    86 In oral argument, counsel for the State of Texas informed theCourt that early

    abortion procedures were routinely permitted in certainexceptional cases, such

    as nonconsensual pregnancies resulting from rape and incest. Inthe face of a

    rigid and narrow statute, such as that of Texas, no one in thesecirc*mstances

    should be placed in a posture of dependence on a prosecutorialpolicy or

    prosecutorial discretion. Of course, States must havebroad power, within the

    limits indicated in the opinions, to regulate the subject ofabortions, but where

    the consequences of state intervention are so severe,uncertainty must be

    avoided as much as possible. For my part, I would be inclined toallow a State

    to require the certification of two physicians to support anabortion, but the

    Court holds otherwise. I do not believe that such a procedure isunduly

    burdensome, as are the complex steps of the Georgiastatute, which require as

    many as six doctors and the use of a hospital certified by theJCAH.

    87 I do not read the Court's holdings today as having thesweeping consequences

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    attributed to them by the dissenting Justices; the dissentingviews discount the

    reality that the vast majority of physicians observe thestandards of their

    profession, and act only on the basis of carefullydeliberated medical judgments

    relating to life and health. Plainly, the Court today rejectsany claim that the

    Constitution requires abortions on demand.

    88 Mr. Justice DOUGLAS, concurring.

    89 While I join the opinion of the Court,1I add a fewwords.

    90 * The questions presented in the present cases go far beyondthe issues of

    vagueness, which we considered in United States v. Vuitch, 402U.S. 62, 91

    S.Ct. 1294, 28 L.Ed.2d 601. They involve the right of privacy,one aspect of

    which we considered in Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479,484, 85 S.Ct.1678, 1681, 14 L.Ed.2d 510, when we held that variousguarantees in the Bill

    of Rights create zones of privacy.2

    91 The Griswold case involved a law forbidding the use ofcontraceptives. We

    held that law as applied to married people unconstitutional:

    92 'We deal with a right of privacy older than the Bill ofRights—older than our

    political parties, older than our school system. Marriageis a coming togetherfor better or for worse, hopefullyenduring, and intimate to the degree of being

    sacred.' Id., at 486, 85 S.Ct. at 1682.

    93 The District Court in Doe held that Griswold and relatedcases 'establish a

    Constitutional right to privacy broad enough to encompass theright of a woman

    to terminate an unwanted pregnancy in its early stages, byobtaining an

    abortion.' 319 F.Supp. 1048, 1054.

    94 The Supreme Court of California expressed the same view inPeople v.

    Belous,371 Cal.2d 954, 963, 80 Cal.Rptr. 354, 359, 458P.2d 194, 199.

    95 The Ninth Amendment obviously does not create federallyenforceable rights. It

    merely says, 'The enumeration in the Constitution, of certainrights, shall not be

    construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.'But a catalogue of

    these rights includes customary, traditional, and time-honoredrights, amenities,

    privileges, and immunities that come within the sweep of'the Blessings of

    Liberty' mentioned in the preamble to the Constitution. Many ofthem, in my

    view, come within the meaning of the term 'liberty' as used inthe Fourteenth

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    96 First is the autonomous control over the development andexpression of one's

    intellect, interests, tastes, and personality.

    97 These are rights protected by the First Amendment and, in myview, they are

    absolute, permitting of no exceptions. See Terminiello v.Chicago, 337 U.S. 1,

    69 S.Ct. 894, 93 L.Ed. 1131; Roth v. United States, 354 U.S.476, 508, 77 S.Ct.

    1304, 1321, 1 L.Ed.2d 1498 (dissent); Kingsley Pictures Corp. v.Regents, 360

    U.S. 684, 697, 79 S.Ct. 1362, 1369, 3 L.Ed.2d 1512 (concurring);New York

    Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 293, 84 S.Ct. 710, 733, 11L.Ed.2d 686

    (Black, J., concurring, in which I joined). The Free ExerciseClause of the First

    Amendment is one facet of this constitutional right. The rightto remain silent as

    respects one's own beliefs, Watkins v. United States, 354 U.S.178, 196 199, 77

    S.Ct. 1173, 1183—1185, 1 L.Ed.2d 1273, is protected by the Firstand the

    Fifth. The First Amendment grants the privacy of first-classmail, United States

    v. Van Leeuwen, 397 U.S. 249, 253, 90 S.Ct. 1029, 1032, 25L.Ed.2d 282. All

    of these aspects of the right of privacy are rights 'retained bythe people' in the

    meaning of the Ninth Amendment.

    98 Second is freedom of choice in the basic decisions of one'slife respecting

    marriage, divorce, procreation, contraception, and the educationand upbringing

    of children.

    99 These rights, unlike those protected by the First Amendment,are subject to

    some control by the police power. Thus, the Fourth Amendmentspeaks only of

    'unreasonable searches and seizures' and of 'probable cause.'These rights are

    'fundamental,' and we have held that in order to supportlegislative action the

    statute must be narrowly and precisely drawn and that a'compelling state

    interest' must be shown in support of the limitation. E.g.,Kramer v. Union Free

    School District, 395 U.S. 621, 89 S.Ct. 1886, 23 L.Ed.2d 583;Shapiro v.

    Thompson, 394 U.S. 618, 89 S.Ct. 1322, 22 L.Ed.2d 600;Carrington v. Rash,

    380 U.S. 89, 85 S.Ct. 775, 13 L.Ed.2d 675; Sherbert v. Verner,374 U.S. 398,

    83 S.Ct. 1790, 10 L.Ed.2d 965; NAACP v. Alabama ex rel.Patterson, 357 U.S.

    449, 78 S.Ct. 1163, 2 L.Ed.2d 1488.

    100 The liberty to marry a person of one's own choosing, Lovingv. Virginia, 388

    U.S. 1, 87 S.Ct. 1817, 18 L.Ed.2d 1010; the right ofprocreation, Skinner v.Oklahoma, 316 U.S. 535, 62 S.Ct. 1110, 86L.Ed. 1655; the liberty to direct the

    education of one's children, Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268U.S. 510, 45 S.Ct.

    571, 69 L.Ed. 1070, and the privacy of the marital relation,Griswold v.

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    Connecticut, supra, are in this category.4Only last Termin Eisenstadt v. Baird,

    405 U.S. 438, 92 S.Ct. 1029, 31 L.Ed.2d 349, anothercontraceptive case, we

    expanded the concept of Griswold by saying:

    101 'It is true that in Griswold the right of privacy inquestion inhered in the marital

    relationship. Yet the marital couple is not an independententity with a mind

    and heart of its own, but an association of two individuals eachwith a separateintellectual and emotional make up. If the right ofprivacy means anything, it is

    the right of the individual, married or single, to be free fromunwarranted

    governmental intrusion into matters so fundamentally affecting aperson as the

    decision whether to bear or beget a child.' Id., at 453.

    102 This right of privacy was called by Mr. Justice Brandeis theright 'to be let

    alone.' Olmstead v. United States, 277 U.S. 438, 478, 48 S.Ct.564, 572, 72

    L.Ed. 944 (dissenting opinion). That right includes theprivilege of an

    individual to plan his own affairs, for, "outside areas ofplainly harmful

    conduct, every American is left to shape his own life as hethinks best, do what

    he pleases, go where he pleases." Kent v. Dulles, 357 U.S. 116,126, 78 S.Ct.

    1113, 1118, 2 L.Ed.2d 1204.

    103 Third is the freedom to care for one's health and person,freedom from bodily

    restraint or compulsion, freedom to walk, stroll, or loaf.

    104 These rights, though fundamental, are likewise subject toregulation on a

    showing of 'compelling state interest.' We stated inPapachristou v. City of

    Jacksonville, 405 U.S. 156, 164, 92 S.Ct. 839, 844, 31 L.Ed.2d110, that

    walking, strolling, and wandering 'are historically part of theamenities of life as

    we have known (them).' As stated in Jacobson v. Massachusetts,197 U.S. 11,

    29, 25 S.Ct. 358, 362, 49 L.Ed. 643:

    105 'There is, of course, a sphere within which the individualmay assert the

    supremacy of his own will and rightfully dispute the authorityof any human

    government, especially of any free government existing under awritten

    constitution, to interfere with the exercise of that will.'

    106 In Union Pacific R. Co. v. Botsford, 141 U.S. 250, 252, 11S.Ct. 1000, 1001, 35

    L.Ed. 734, the Court said, 'The inviolability of the person isas much invaded

    by a compulsory stripping and exposure as by a blow.'

    107 In Terry v. Ohio, 392 U.S. 1, 8—9, 88 S.Ct. 1868, 1873, 20L.Ed.2d 889, the

    Court, in speaking of the Fourth Amendment, stated, 'Thisinestimable right of

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    personal security belongs as much to the citizen on thestreets of our cities as to

    the homeowner closeted in his study to dispose of his secretaffairs.'

    108 Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 350, 88 S.Ct. 507, 510,19 L.Ed.2d 576,

    emphasizes that the Fourth Amendment 'protects individualprivacy against

    certain kinds of governmental intrusion.'

    109In Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, 399, 43 S.Ct. 625, 626,67 L.Ed. 1042, the

    Court said:

    110 'Without doubt, (liberty) denotes not merely freedom frombodily restraint but

    also the right of the individual to contract, to engage in anyof the common

    occupations of life, to acquire useful knowledge, to marry,establish a home and

    bring up children, to worship God according to thedictates of his ownconscience, and generally to enjoy thoseprivileges long recognized at common

    law as essential to the orderly pursuit of happiness by freemen.'

    111 The Georgia statute is at war with the clear message ofthese cases—that a

    woman is free to make the basic decision whether to bear anunwanted child.

    Elaborate argument is hardly necessary to demonstrate thatchildbirth may

    deprive a woman of her preferred lifestyle and force upon her aradically

    different and undesired future. For example, rejected applicantsunder theGeorgia statute are required to endure the discomforts ofpregnancy; to incur

    the pain, higher mortality rate, and aftereffects of childbirth;to abandon

    educational plans; to sustain loss of income; to forgo thesatisfactions of

    careers; to tax further mental and physical health in providingchild care; and,

    in some cases, to bear the lifelong stigma of unwed motherhood,a badge which

    may haunt, if not deter, later legitimate familyrelationships.

    112 Such a reasoning is, however, only the beginning of theproblem. The State has

    interests to protect. Vaccinations to prevent epidemics are oneexample, as

    Jacobson, supra, holds. The Court held that compulsorysterilization of

    imbeciles afflicted with hereditary forms of insanity orimbecility is another.

    Buck v. Bell, 274 U.S. 200, 47 S.Ct. 584, 71 L.Ed. 1000.Abortion affects

    another. While childbirth endangers the lives of some women,voluntary

    abortion at any time and place regardless of medical standardswould impinge

    on a rightful concern of society. The woman's health is part ofthat concern; as

    is the life of the fetus after quickening. These concernsjustify the State in

    treating the procedure as a medical one.

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    113 One difficulty is that this statute as construed and appliedapparently does not

    give full sweep to the 'psychological as well as physicalwell-being' of women

    patients which saved the concept 'health' from being voidfor vagueness in

    United States v. Vuitch, 402 U.S., at 72, 91 S.Ct., at 1299.But, apart from that,

    Georgia's enactment has a constitutional infirmity because, asstated by the

    District Court, it 'limits the number of reasons for which anabortion may be

    sought.' I agree with the holding of the District Court, 'Thisthe State may notdo, because such action unduly restricts adecision sheltered by the

    Constitutional right to privacy.' 319 F.Supp., at 1056.

    114 The vicissitudes of life produce pregnancies which may beunwanted, or which

    may impair 'health' in the broad Vuitch sense of the term, orwhich may imperil

    the life of the mother, or which in the full setting of the casemay create such

    suffering, dislocations, misery, or tragedy as to make an earlyabortion the only

    civilized step to take. These hardships may be properly embracedin the 'health'factor of the mother as appraised by a person ofinsight. Or they may be part of

    a broader medical judgment based on what is 'appropriate' in agiven case,

    though perhaps not 'necessary' in a strict sense.

    115 The 'liberty' of the mother, though rooted as it is in theConstitution, may be

    qualified by the State for the reasons we have stated. But wherefundamental

    personal rights and liberties are involved, the correctivelegislation must be

    'narrowly drawn to prevent the supposed evil,' Cantwell v.Connecticut, 310U.S. 296, 307, 60 S.Ct. 900, 905, 84 L.Ed. 1213,and not be dealt with in an

    'unlimited and indiscriminate' manner. Shelton v. Tucker, 364U.S. 479, 490, 81

    S.Ct. 247, 253, 5 L.Ed.2d 231. And see Talley v. California, 362U.S. 60, 80

    S.Ct. 536, 4 L.Ed.2d 559. Unless regulatory measures are soconfined and are

    addressed to the specific areas of compelling legislativeconcern, the police

    power would become the great leveler of constitutionalrights and liberties.

    116 There is no doubt that the State may require abortions to beperformed by

    qualified medical personnel. The legitimate objective ofpreserving the

    mother's health clearly supports such laws. Their impact uponthe woman's

    privacy is minimal. But the Georgia statute outlaws lawsvirtually all such

    operations—even in the earliest stages of pregnancy. In light ofmodern

    medical evidence suggesting that an early abortion is saferhealthwise than

    childbirth itself,5it cannot be seriously urged that socomprehensive a ban is

    aimed at protecting the woman's health. Rather, this expansiveproscription of

    all abortions along the temporal spectrum can rest only on apublic goal ofpreserving both embryonic and fetallife.

    117 The present statute has struck the balance between thewoman's and the State's

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    interests wholly in favor of the latter. I am not prepared tohold that a State may

    equate, as Georgia has done, all phases of maturation precedingbirth. We held

    in Griswold that the States may not preclude spouses fromattempting to avoid

    the joinder of sperm and egg. If this is true, it is difficultto perceive any

    overriding public necessity which might attach precisely at themoment of

    conception. As Mr. Justice Clark has said:6

    118'To say that life is present at conception is to giverecognition to the potential,

    rather than the actual. The unfertilized egg has life, and iffertilized, it takes on

    human proportions. But the law deals in reality, notobscurity—the known

    rather than the unknown. When sperm meets egg life mayeventually form, but

    quite often it does not. The law does not deal in speculation.The phenomenon

    of life takes time to develop, and until it is actually present,it cannot be

    destroyed. Its interruption prior to formation would hardly behomicide, and as

    we have seen, society does not regard it as such. The rites ofBaptism are notperformed and death certificates are notrequired when a miscarriage occurs.

    No prosecutor has ever returned a murder indictmentcharging the taking of the

    life of a fetus.7

    119 This would not be the case if the fetus constituted humanlife.'

    120 In summary, the enactment is overbroad. It is not closelycorrelated to the aim

    of preserving prenatal life. In fact, it permits its destructionin several cases,

    including pregnancies resulting from sex acts in which unmarriedfemales are

    below the statutory age of consent. At the same time,however, the measure

    broadly proscribes aborting other pregnancies which maycause severe mental

    disorders. Additionally, the statute is overbroad because itequates the value of

    embryonic life immediately after conception with the worth oflife immediately

    before birth.

    121 Under the Georgia Act, the mother's physician is not thesole judge as to

    whether the abortion should be performed. Two other licensedphysicians must

    concur in his judgment.8Moreover, the abortion must beperformed in a

    licensed hospital;9and the abortion must be approved inadvance by a

    committee of the medical staff of that hospital.10

    122 Physicians, who speak to us in Doe through an amicus brief,complain of the

    Georgia Act's interference with their practice of theirprofession.

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    patient relationship, unless it be in the priest-penitentrelationship.

    124 It is one thing for a patient to agree that her physicianmay consult with another

    physician about her case. It is quite a different matterfor the State compulsorily

    to impose on that physician-patient relationship another layeror, as in this case,

    still a third layer of physicians. The right of privacy—theright to care for one'shealth and person and to seek out aphysician of one's own choice protected by

    the Fourteenth Amendment—becomes only a matter of theory, not areality,

    when a multiple-physician-approval system is mandated by theState.

    125 The State licenses a physician. If he is derelict orfaithless, the procedures

    available to punish him or to deprive him of his license arewell known. He is

    entitled to procedural due process before professionaldisciplinary sanctions

    may be imposed. See In re Ruffalo, 390 U.S. 544, 88 S.Ct. 1222,20 L.Ed.2d117. Crucial here, however, is state-imposed control overthe medical decision

    whether pregnancy should be interrupted. The good-faith decisionof the

    patient's chosen physician is overriden and the finaldecision passed on to

    others in whose selection the patient has no part. This is atotal destruction of

    the right of privacy between physician and patient and theintimacy of relation

    which that entails.

    126 The right to seek advice on one's health and the right toplace reliance on thephysician of one's choice are basic toFourteenth Amendment values. We deal

    with fundamental rights and liberties, which, as already noted,can be contained

    or controlled only by discretely drawn legislation thatpreserves the 'liberty' and

    regulates only those phases of the problem of compellinglegislative concern.

    The imposition by the State of group controls over thephysician-patient

    relationship is not made on any medical procedure apart fromabortion, no

    matter how dangerous the medical step may be. The oversightimposed on the

    physician and patient in abortion cases denies them their'liberty,' viz., theirright of privacy, without anycompelling, discernible state interest.

    127 Georgia has constitutional warrant in treating abortion as amedical problem.

    To protect the woman's right of privacy, however, the controlmust be through

    the physician of her choice and the standards set for hisperformance.

    128 The protection of the fetus when it has acquired life is alegitimate concern of

    the State. Georgia's law makes no rational, discernible decisionon that score.11For under the Code, the developmental stage of thefetus is irrelevant when

    pregnancy is the result of rape, when the fetus will verylikely be born with a

    permanent defect, or when a continuation of the pregnancywill endanger the

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    life of the mother or permanently injure her health. When lifeis present is a

    question we do not try to resolve. While basically a questionfor medical

    experts, as stated by Mr. Justice Clark,12it is, ofcourse, caught up in matters of

    religion and morality.

    129 In short, I agree with the Court that endangering the lifeof the woman or

    seriously and permanently injuring her health are standards toonarrow for theright of privacy that is at stake.

    130 I also agree that the superstructure of medical supervisionwhich Georgia has

    erected violates the patient's right of privacy inherent in herchoice of her own


    131 Mr. Justice WHITE, with whom Mr. Justice REHNQUIST joins,dissenting.

    132 At the heart of the controversy in these cases are thoserecurring pregnancies

    that pose no danger whatsoever to the life or health of themother but are,

    nevertheless, unwanted for any one or more of a variety ofreasons—

    convenience, family planning, economics, dislike of children,the

    embarrassment of illegitimacy, etc., The common claim before usis that for

    any one of such reasons, or for no reason at all, and withoutasserting or

    claiming any threat to life or health, any woman is entitled toan abortion at herrequest if she is able to find a medicaladvisor willing to undertake the


    133 The Court for the most part sustains this position: Duringthe period prior to the

    time the fetus becomes viable, the Constitution of the UnitedStates values the

    convenience, whim, or caprice of the pregnant woman more thanthe life or

    potential life of the fetus; the Constitution, therefore,guarantees the right to an

    abortion as against any state law or policy seeking to protectthe fetus from anabortion not prompted by more compelling reasonsof the mother.

    134 With all due respect, I dissent. I find nothing in thelanguage or history of the

    Constitution to support the Court's judgments. The Court simplyfashions and

    announces a new constitutional right for pregnant women and,with scarcely

    any reason or authority for its action, invests that right withsufficient substance

    to override most existing state abortion statutes. The upshot isthat the people

    and the legislatures of the 50 States are constitutionallydisentitled to weigh therelative importance of the continuedexistence and development of the fetus, on

    the one hand, against a spectrum of possible impacts on themother, on the

    other hand. As an exercise of raw judicial power, the Courtperhaps has

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    authority to do what it does today; but in my view its judgmentis an

    improvident and extravagant exercise of the power of judicialreview that the

    Constitution extends to this Court.

    135 The Court apparently values the convenience of the pregnantwoman more than

    the continued existence and development of the life or potentiallife that she

    carries. Whether or not I might agree with that marshaling ofvalues, I can in noevent join the Court's judgment because I findno constitutional warrant for

    imposing such an order of priorities on the people andlegislatures of the States.

    In a sensitive area such as this, involving as it does issuesover which

    reasonable men may easily and heatedly differ, I cannot acceptthe Court's

    exercise of its clear power of choice by interposing aconstitutional barrier to

    state efforts to protect human life and by investing women anddoctors with the

    constitutionally protected right to exterminate it. This issue,for the most part,

    should be left with the people and to the political processesthe people havedevised to govern their affairs.

    136 It is my view, therefore, that the Texas statute is notconstitutionally infirm

    because it denies abortions to those who seek to serveonly their convenience

    rather than to protect their life or health. Nor is thisplaintiff, who claims no

    threat to her mental or physical health, entitled to assert thepossible rights of

    those women whose pregnancy assertedly implicates their health.This, together

    with United States v. Vuitch, 402 U.S. 62, 91 S.Ct. 1294, 28L.Ed.2d 601(1971), dictates reversal of the judgment of theDistrict Court.

    137 Likewise, because Georgia may constitutionally forbidabortions to pregnant

    women who, like the plaintiff in this case, do not fall withinthe reach of § 26—

    1202(a) of its criminal code, I have no occasion, and theDistrict Court had

    none, to consider the constitutionality of the proceduralrequirements of the

    Georgia statute as applied to those pregnancies posingsubstantial hazards to

    either life or health. I would reverse the judgment of theDistrict Court in the

    Georgia case.

    138 Mr. Justice REHNQUIST, dissenting.

    139 The holding in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705, 35L.Ed.2d 147, that

    state abortion laws can withstand constitutional scrutiny onlyif the State can

    demonstrate a compelling state interest, apparently compels theCourt's closescrutiny of the various provisions in Georgia'sabortion statute. Since, as

    indicated by my dissent in Wade, I view thecompelling-state-interest standard

    as an inappropriate measure of the constitutionality of stateabortion laws, I

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    The portions italicized in Appendix A are those heldunconstitutional by the

    District Court.

    Brief for Appellants 25 n. 5; Tr. of Oral Arg. 9.

    See Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, at 140 n. 37, 93 S.Ct. 705, at720 n. 37.

    The pertinent provisions of the 1876 statute were:

    'Section I. Be it enacted, etc., That from and after the passageof this Act, the

    wilful killing of an unborn child, so far developed as to beordinarily called

    'quick,' by any injury to the mother of such child, which wouldbe murder if itresulted in the death of such mother, shall beguilty of a felony, and punishable

    by death or imprisonment for life, as the jury trying thecase may recommend.

    'Sec. II. Be it further enacted, That every person who shalladminister to any

    woman pregnant with a child, any medicine, drug, or substancewhatever, or

    shall use or employ any instrument or other means, with intentthereby to

    destroy such child, unless the same shall have been necessary topreserve the

    life of such mother, or shall have been advised by twophysicians to be

    necessary for such purpose, shall, in case the death of suchchild or mother be

    thereby produced, be declared guilty of an assault with intentto murder.

    'Sec. III. Be it further enacted, That any person who shallwilfully administer to

    any pregnant woman any medicine, drug or substance, or anythingwhatever, or

    shall employ any instrument or means whatever, with intentthereby to procure

    the miscarriage or abortion of any such woman, unless the sameshall have been

    necessary to preserve the life of such woman, or shall have beenadvised by two

    physicians to be necessary for that purpose, shall, uponconviction, be punishedas prescribed in section 4310 of the RevisedCode of Georgia.'

    It should be noted that the second section, in contrast to thefirst, made no

    specific reference to quickening. The section was construed,however, to

    possess this line of demarcation. Taylor v. State, 105 Ga.846, 33 S.E. 190


    In contrast with the ALI model, the Georgia statute makes nospecific referenceto pregnancy resulting from incest. We wereassured by the State at reargument

    that this was because the statute's reference to 'rape' wasintended to include

    incest. Tr. of Oral Rearg. 32.

    respectfully dissent from the majority's holding.






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    Appellants by their complaint, App. 7, allege that the name is apseudonym.

    In answers to interrogatories, Doe stated that her applicationfor an abortion

    was approved at Georgia Baptist Hospital on May 5, 1970, butthat she was not

    approved as a charity patient there and had no money to pay foran abortion.

    App. 64.

    What we decide today obviously has implications for the issuesraised in the

    defendants' appeal pending in the Fifth Circuit.

    Tr. of Oral Arg. 21—22.

    Brief for Appellants 25.

    We were advised at reargument, Tr. of Oral Aearg. 19, that only54 of Georgia's

    119 counties have a JCAH-accredited hospital.

    Since its founding, JCAH has pursued the 'elusive goal' ofdefining the 'optimal

    setting' for 'quality of service in hospitals.' JCAH,Accreditation Manual for

    Hospitals, Foreword (Ded. 1970). The Manual's Introductionstates the

    organization's purpose to establish standards and conductaccreditation

    programs that will afford quality medical care 'to givepatients the optimal

    benefits that medical science has to offer.' Thisambitious and admirable goal is

    illustrated by JCAH's decision in 1966 '(t)o raise andstrengthen the standardsfrom their present level of minimumessential to the level of optimum

    achievable . . ..' Some of these 'optimum achievable' standardsrequired are:

    disclosure of hospital ownership and control; a dietetic serviceand written

    dietetic policies; a written disaster plan for mass emergencies;a nuclear

    medical services program; facilities for hematology, chemistry,microbiology,

    clinical microsocopy, and scro-immunology; a professionallibrary and

    document delivery service; a radiology program; a socialservices plan

    administered by a qualified social worker; and a special careunit.

    'The Joint Commission neither advocates nor opposes anyparticular position

    with respect to elective abortions.' Letter dated July 9, 1971,from John I.

    Brewer, M.D., Commissioner, JCAH, to the Rockefeller Foundation.Brief for

    amici curiae, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecolgistset al., p. A—


    See Roe v. Wade, ante, 410 U.S., at 146—147, n. 40, 93 S.Ct., at723—724, n.


    Some state statutes do not have the JCAH-accreditationrequirement. Alaska

    Stat. § 11.15.060 (1970); Hawaii Rev.Stat. § 453—16 (Supp.1971);N.Y. Penal











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    Code § 125.05, subd. 3 (McKinney's Consol.Laws, c. 40,Supp.1972—1973).

    Washington has the requirement but couples it with thealternative of 'a medical

    facility approved. . . by the state board of health.'Wash.Rev.Code § 9.02.070

    (Supp.1972). Florida's new statute has a similar provision. Lawof Apr. 13,

    1972, c. 72—196, § 1(2). Others contain the specification.Ark.Stat.Ann. §§ 41

    —303 to 41—310 (Supp.1971); Calif.Health & Safety Code§§ 25950—

    25955.5 (Supp.1972); Colo.Rev.Stat.Ann. §§ 40—2—50 to40—2—53(Cum.Supp.1967); Kan.Stat.Ann. § 21—3407 (Supp.1971);Md.Ann.Code, Art.

    43, §§ 137—139 (1971). Cf. 24 Del.Code Ann., Tit. 24, §§ 17901793

    (Supp.1972) specifying 'a nationally recognized medical orhospital

    accreditation authority,' § 1790(a).

    L. Baker & M. Freeman, Abortion Surveillance at GradyMemorial Hospital

    Center for Disease Control (June and July 1971) (U.S.Dept. ofHEW, Public

    Health Service).

    I disagree with the dismissal of Dr. Hallford's complaint inintervention in Roe

    v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, 93 S.Ct. 705, 35 L.Ed.2d 147, becausemy

    disagreement with Younger v. Harris, 401 U.S. 37, 91 S.Ct. 746,27 L.Ed.2d

    669, revealed in my dissent in that case, still persists andextends to the progeny

    of that case.

    There is no mention of privacy in our Bill of Rights but ourdecisions have

    recognized it as one of the fundamental values those amendmentsweredesigned to protect. The fountainhead case is Boyd v. UnitedStates, 116 U.S.

    616, 6 S.Ct. 524, 29 L.Ed. 746, holding that a federal statutewhich authorized a

    court in tax cases to require a taxpayer to produce his recordsor to concede the

    Government's allegations offended the Fourth and FifthAmendments. Mr.

    Justice Bradley, for the Court, found that the measure undulyintruded into the

    'sanctity of a man's home and the privacies of life.' Id., at630, 6 S.Ct., at 532.

    Prior to Boyd, in Kilbourn v. Thompson, 103 U.S. 168, 190, 26L.Ed. 377, Mr.

    Justice Miller held for the Court that neither House of Congress'possesses thegeneral power of making inquiry into the privateaffairs of the citizen.' Of

    Kilbourn, Mr. Justice Field later said, 'This case will standfor all time as a

    bulwark against the invasion of the right of the citizento protection in his

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