It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (2024)

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Atopic Dermatitis (Fonacier)

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It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (1)

Dr. Luz Fonacier discusses the current management of atopic dermatitis otherwise known as eczema..
Presented on July 31, 2020

Video taken from the channel: ACAAICOLA

Diets & Weight Loss: How to Lose a Lot of Weight With Oatmeal

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It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (2)

You can lose weight with oatmeal because it’s an excellent source of fiber, and fiber does a lot of great things for us, especially when we’re looking to maintain a healthy weight. Eat more oats and stay slim with advice from a registered dietitian and nutritionist in this free video on losing weight by eating more oatmeal..
Expert: Charlotte Lawson.
Bio: Charlotte Lawson is a licensed and registered dietitian and nutritionist who graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Science in dietetics and health promotion specialization..
Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz.
Series Description: Maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best ways for a person to achieve her weight loss goals. Discover great methods with advice from a registered dietitian and nutritionist in this free video series about weight loss and dieting.

Video taken from the channel: ehowhealth

Prebiotics Foods | Prebiotics are good for Digestive Health

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It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (3)

The official definition of prebiotics is: “non-digestible food ingredients that beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon, which can improve host health.”.
Prebiotics assist probiotics by feeding and promoting probiotics growth..
They are actually nondigestible carbohydrates that act as food for probiotics..
Prebiotics and probiotics are vital to your health, as they help to keep your intestine working properly. Prebiotics and probiotics are found naturally in certain foods, and are added to others. Additionally, they are available in supplement form too..
It is important that both prebiotics and probiotics should be an important part of your diet as they work together to keep you healthy, and neither can work adequately without the other..
Prebiotics can help to improve colitis, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome and calcium absorption. Additionally, they can help your immune system by keeping the beneficial bacteria healthy enough to help fight off disease..
The easiest and the commonest way of getting our daily dose preboitic is by having onions..
Onions are rich in inulin which helps in boosting the immunity of the gut..
Wholemeals like oats, barley, wheat etc are also very rich in prebiotics..
Consuming whole grains will not only keep your gut healthy but also help your body in absorbing calcium and prevent even prevent bloating. ….thus start your day with a bowl of whole grains..
Very easy on stomach and easily digestible, legumes like pulses, chick peas, green peas Etc are very rich in prebiotics..
Include a bowl full of legumes at least once in a day..
They have the right amount of fibre and natural sugars to boost gut bacteria..
Cabbage is one of the best natural source of prebiotic which help in the growth of healthy.
Gut bacteria….specially when it is taken in a fermented form.. in oligosaccharides.
(a form of carb needed for feeding the good gut bacteria), beans are strong digestive boosters..
Do not forget to include them in your diet..
Honey also contains a mix of oligosaccharides, which have been shown to promote the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, two important probiotic strains…
Do pour in honey generously while you have it..
Rich in pectin, apples help in maintaining the right ph of the stomach and prevent the growth of bad bacteria… An apple a day can really keep the stomach happy and gay…bite into it..
Asparagus has more than half of its carbohydrate content in the form of fiber and is known to contain inulin and thus considered a very good prebiotic..
Your gut loves savour one everyday..
it’s not only rich in fibre and potassium but is indeed a very good source of prebiotic..
The great news is that prebiotics are heat resistant, and so, to a large extent, remain unaltered during the cooking or baking process. It also ensures that they will reach the intestines unaffected by the digestive process in order to trigger the beneficial prebiotic effect….
…thus to have a healthy gut, include prebiotics and stay healthy..
Check out other videos on Health and Wellness
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Omega 3 Health Benefits | Foods having Omega-3 Fatty Acid.
Garlic Health Benefits | Eating Raw Garlic Benefits.
Salt Harmful Effects | Too much Salt bad for health.
Eggplant nutrition facts | Eggplant Health Benefits.
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Video taken from the channel: SuccessCDs Education

Prenatal Yoga First Trimester Plus Morning Sickness Relief

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It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (4)

Prenatal yoga first trimester plus morning sickness relief. This pregnancy yoga class is ideal for your first trimester of pregnancy when you have morning sickness. This gentle class combines movement, acupressure to for nausea relief, and natural remedies for morning sickness to cure morning sickness..
***FREE e-Book: The Ultimate List of Tools and Techniques To Cope With Pain In Labor.
***Weekly Meal Plan for Pregnancy (for healthy weight gain and to reduce the risk of gestational diabetes by a Registered Dietitian):
Natural Remedies and Acupressure For Morning Sickness Relief:
1. Avoid getting too hungry. Try regular meals and snack and even try having something small 20-30 min before you have to get out of bed..
2. Keep blood sugar levels stable by limiting processed and refined foods, white flour and sugars. Also including protein, fiber (in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains) at meals..
3. Limit high-fat foods which can slow down digestion and increase nausea..
4. Limit caffeine which can trigger nausea..
5. Avoid foods that trigger your nausea. Fish and the cruciferous vegetables (broccoli and Brussel sprouts) are common triggers, but may also be non-food items like flowers or leather or any other strong scent..
6. Try bland foods. Foods that are often tolerated well are rice, oats, fruit, cooked milk vegetables like carrots and squash, soups and bone broth..
7. Cool or room temperature foods may be tolerated more than hot foods. Ask for help with cooking and food preparation if it’s difficult to prepare food..
8. Try drinking fluids between meals rather than with your meals..
9. Ginger and Peppermint have anti-nausea benefit. Try ginger or peppermint tea or a peppermint chocolate smoothie. You can simply put slices of ginger in hot water. Gingerale does NOT contain real ginger so it won’t be helpful and is high in sugar..
10. Try taking your prenatal vitamin before bed or with a meal or discuss just taking folate with your doctor if it’s making you too nauseated..
11. Try not to get over-tired or stressed. Both fatigue and stress can increase nausea..
Essential Oils that are good for morning sickness: Cammomile, Lavender, Ginger, and Peppermint.
12. Try relaxing in forward fold with your head resting on block (or a book) pressing on the space just above your eyes (your third eye).
13. Try acupressure wrist bands.
14. Avoid lying down right after eating. Also laying on your left side may help nausea..
15. Can massage around xiphoid process between ribs for nausea relief (see the video).
16. Can pulse on the inside of your wrists between the tendons where the vein crosses for nausea relief (see the video).
***Free Diastasis Recti Healing Guide for Postpartum:
***The best 4 diets to for weight loss (includes a description, food list of each with 4 types of meals plans by a registered dietitian with recipes).
Disclaimer: This is general information only and not to replace individualized medical advice. Always consult your doctor, midwife or healthcare professional for advice about your labor..
This prenatal yoga first trimester video can be for prenatal yoga first trimester for beginners or prenatal yoga first trimester intermediate or prenatal yoga first trimester advanced. It includes exercises for morning sickness in pregnancy and back pain.

Video taken from the channel: Pregnancy and Postpartum TV

Diet and Nutrition for Brain Tumor Patients

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It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (5)

Brain tumors and their associated treatments have the potential for a number of side effects such as fatigue, nausea and vomiting, to taste changes and difficulty swallowing. Engaging in healthy diet and nutrition habits can play an integral, complementary role with traditional cancer therapies and for the management of symptoms resulting from those treatments. Join us for an interactive webinar that focuses on strategies for optimal nutrition before, during and after cancer treatment. Hear from Hannah Dalpiaz, RD, LDN, CNSC, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, discuss foods that will help alleviate symptoms and side effects or those that can support optimal health, including certain diets and supplements. Webinar participants will have the opportunity to ask questions of the expert in question and answer session.

Video taken from the channel: American Brain Tumor Association

Mayo Clinic Minute: What to do if your child has an upset stomach

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It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (6)

If your child is showing symptoms of a stomach bug like vomiting or diarrhea, it’s most likely viral gastroenteritis..
Mayo Clinic family medicine specialist Dr. Tina Ardon explains how parents can tell if their child is dehydrated..
To help improve hydration without making the stomach more upset, Dr. Ardon suggests taking a sip or two of fluid every five to 10 minutes..
More health and medical news on the Mayo Clinic News Network.
Journalists: Clean and nat sound versions of this pkg available for download at
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Video taken from the channel: Mayo Clinic

Overcoming Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

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It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (7)

Overcoming Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS): Reclaim Your Life from Anxiety and Distress about IBS Symptoms.
There is a lot of overlap between IBS and anxiety disorders. IBS causes anxiety. Also, people with anxiety disorders have a much higher than average occurrence of IBS. Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome making you miserable, and limiting your activities, your diet and your life? Are you frustrated by how little modern medicine seems to have helped? This webinar will introduce you to a new approach to managing IBS that is scientifically proven to reduce IBS symptoms and improve quality of life by addressing the gut-brain connection directly. YOU have the power to reclaim your life from IBS. This webinar will show you how. Visit for more resources and information.

Video taken from the channel: ADAA GotAnxiety

Oatmeal not only soothes your upset stomach, it offers a low-fat, low-sodium source of fiber, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, selenium, zinc and vitamins B, E and K.Oatmeal and Upset Stomach Oatmeal is usually a healthy food. It’s high in protein and soluble fiber, both dietary advantages, says the Harvard T.H.

Chan School of Public Health. But oatmeal and upset stomach may occasionally be linked in people who are sensitive.Doctors give unbiased, trusted information on whether Oatmeal can cause or treat Stomach Discomfort: Dr. Heller on oatmeal for an upset stomach: Soluble fiber content can cause gas, bloat, upset stomach.

If made in milk, may have some input from possible lactose intolerance; unlikely to be celiac sprue, if no similar symptoms from wheat cereals. Might do better with smaller portion.Another good bland food, oatmeal is highly nutritious and rich in soluble fiber, which aids digestion, helps prevent constipation, and eases symptoms of upset stomach. Banana According to Livestrong, the fruit’s high levels of potassium help reduce stomach cramps, and the fiber aids digestion so whatever you ate moves out of your stomach and toward the (correct) exit.Additives in your oatmeal may be causing your indigestion.

While you can buy oatmeal cereal that consists simply of oats, many commercial oatmeal products contain added sugars, artificial coloring and bits of fruits that could cause stomach problems.Simple white-bread toast is better than fiber-rich whole grains when you have an upset stomach. Whole grain has a kind of fiber that’s good when you’re not sick, but it can make an unhappy tummy.Oatmeal is considered to be a nutritional gold mine because of its many great health benefits. It helps boost your energy for the day as it is rich in carbohydrates and protein.

It is also diabetic-friendly, very high in fiber (which can help reduce the risk of colon cancer) and good for your heart’s health.Learn how to cook oatmeal the right way for a healthy, satisfying breakfast. 73% of African Americans said they did not have emergency funds to cover three months of expenses.In the past I used to be obsessed with oatmeal I had it every day for breakfast: just plain rolled oats cooked in water with cinnamon and less than a cup of fruit (no sweeteners).

However, I had to put an end to this because it was making me break out and gain a lot of weight (not just water weight).Ginger can even be used as a natural remedy for motion sickness. compared to only 23% of children not taking pectin supplements There are many foods that can help relieve an upset stomach.As it turns out, the popular spice isn’t only good for your skin, but can also help calm a stomachache. “Oftentimes an upset stomach is caused by an irritant that triggers inflammation in our gut,” James says. “Turmeric acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory that.Gastroparesis: When Food ‘Just Sits’ in Your Stomach The condition delays stomach emptying and causes bloating, nausea and other digestive symptoms.

Yes, oats do contain gliadin. In oats, this protein is equivalent to gluten. Some people can tolerate gliadin and some cannot, but it is not the same as gluten.These things are not only unhealthy, but can cause symptoms of an upset stomach (like diarrhea) and even trigger allergies.

So avoid anything that’s prepackaged since they typically have tons of preservatives and other additives. Recommendation: A quality dry oatmeal dog food recipe is a consistent and convenient way to add oats.Since stomach issues can signal more serious underlying health problems, seek medical attention ASAP if an upset stomach lasts longer than three days or so, says Goldberg.

List of related literature:

Oatmeal, on the other hand, contains mainly soluble fiber, which is the cholesterol-lowering kind.

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (8)
fromThe Doctors Book of Food Remedies: The Latest Findings on the Power of Food to Treat and Prevent Health Problems From Aging and Diabetes to Ulcers and Yeast Infections
by Selene Yeager, Editors of Prevention
Rodale Books, 2008

Not only is oatmeal delicious, but it is an excellent source of soluble fiber, iron, and minerals.

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (9)
fromPatricia Wells at Home in Provence: Recipes Inspired by Her Farmhouse in France
by Patricia Wells
Scribner, 1996

You may have heard that oatmeal has gluten, which can be hard on an IBS stomach.

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (10)
fromIBS Cookbook For Dummies
by Carolyn Dean, L. Christine Wheeler
Wiley, 2009

Oatmeal used to be reckoned good for colic, too, and there is a recipe for sore eyes from Scotland.

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (11)
fromDictionary of Plant Lore
by D.C. Watts
Elsevier Science, 2007

Instant oatmeal usually comes in individual packages with added sugar and salt, so it’s best to avoid it.)

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (12)
fromStraight Up Food: Delicious and Easy Plant-based Cooking without Salt, Oil or Sugar
by Cathy Fisher
Green Bite Publishing, 2016

Oatmeal with an adequate amount of beta-glucan fiber can highlight its benefit in reducing risk of heart disease.

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (13)
fromDiscovering Nutrition
by Paul M. Insel, R. Elaine Turner, Don Ross
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006

Oatmeal is also useful for conditions such as weakness, diabetes, hepatitis, indigestion, and bloating.

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (14)
fromChinese Health Care Secrets: A Natural Lifestyle Approach
by Henry B. Lin
Llewellyn Publications, 2000

Wheat bran also is a source of fiber, but it may be too irritating for an inflamed colon wall.

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (15)
fromPrescription for Dietary Wellness: Using Foods to Heal
by Phyllis A. Balch CNC
Penguin Publishing Group, 2003

Oatmeal is a nice neutral food.

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (16)
fromAcid Reflux Diet & Cookbook For Dummies
by Patricia Raymond, Michelle Beaver
Wiley, 2014

Or you can have oatmeal, which is the best of all because so much of its fiber is soluble.

It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (17)
fromPotatoes Not Prozac: How To Control Depression, Food Cravings And Weight Gain
by Kathleen Desmaisons
Simon & Schuster UK, 2012

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It's Not Only Healthy, but Oatmeal May Even Help an Upset Stomach - Nutrition | (2024)


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