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How Probiotics Eased My IBS Nadine Baggott #AD
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Confession time I used to (and still occasionally still do) suffer from terrible IBS. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, that broad term that can mean so many different symptoms, but for me meant that at least twice a week I would get nausea, cramping, bloating, diarrhoea or constipation triggered by certain foods, eating out, drinking coffee, drinking alcohol, travel, holidays, stress… the list was very long and it honesty ruled my life in my twenties and thirties. I just put up with it and never went to a doctor because I knew there was very little that could be prescribed. And so I tried peppermint oil capsules, painkillers, food exclusion diets, (although ironically it’s the unhealthy processed foods that cause least problems for me), not eating certain nationality foods, and anti cramping medication that blocks the prostaglandin production called Buscopan. The latter really worked for me but the problem was that it never tackled the cause only the symptoms and so it never prevented an attack..
And then I interviewed a nutritionist who recommended probiotics and I started to get better. More recently I spoke to an NHS gastroenterologist who suggested a particular probiotic proven to help ease cramping and bloating called Alforex and it has made a real difference to my problem, easing my symptoms quickly and reducing the number of attacks of IBS that I get. I wrote a feature about it and gave my feedback to the company and so they asked me to create this sponsored video..
I have agreed to do this because we all need to talk about IBS more and not be ashamed of suffering and we all need to, I believe, take probiotics to try to tackle the cause of the problem..
You can find out more about Alforex here, the research behind it and where to buy it…
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Video taken from the channel: Nadine Baggott
Best 3 Probiotics for Gut Health and IBS and HOW TO CHOOSE
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Best 3 Probiotics for Gut Health and IBS// In this video, I talk about the 3 best probiotics for gut health. Probiotic supplements can be a little bit confusing, but I clear it up for you. I give you my preferred probiotics recommendation to get probiotics health benefits, and share how to best use probiotics for IBS, leaky gut, bloating, reflux, and other gut health complaints..
Roadmap to Gut Recovery.
Free 30-Minute Assessment Session.
FullScript Supplement Dispensary.
When to Use Probiotics for Gut Health Complaints:
When to Take Probiotics (and Other Gut Supplements).
Probiotics Guide for IBS and SIBO:
Say Hi on Social:
#best3probioticsforguthealthandibs #probioticsforguthealth #probioticsforibs #probiotics
Video taken from the channel: Confluence Nutrition
What Actually Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?!? What You Need To Know// IBS INFO
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IBS affects around 11% of the global population, (that’s one in ever 9 people you meet!!) so let’s not be embarrassed about it! I want this channel to be a safe, open and kind place for people dealing with IBS. We’re far from alone, so let’s ask questions, share advice and feel better together xx.
This is the first video of a series I will be producing on IBS, so I’m justing giving overviews. I’ve written it all up as a blog post over on
Blog Link:
I answer the following questions:
What is IBS?
What are the symptoms?
How is it diagnosed?
What causes IBS?
Risk factors. Why me?!
What are IBS triggers?
What’s the prognosis? Are there serious complications?
Treatments for IBS.
Obviously I have a personal interest in IBS, but I’m also a masters grad in biomedical sciences and love a bit of research, so if you have any questions you want me to dig into, please go ahead and ask!
Since I made this video I have created a tool you can use to easily put together low FODMAP, vegan meals. You can get my free Meal Maker Guide here:
▽ What are FODMAPs?
The term FODMAP is an acronym, derived from “Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides And Polyols”. They are short carbohydrates found in lots of health foods, which the bacteria in your intestines will breakdown, producing gas in the process..
For unclear reasons some people are particularly sensitive to this and experience painful and embarrassing symptoms such as bloating, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, constipation and fatigue. FODMAP restriction has been found to improve symptoms in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID)..
▽ What is a Low-FODMAP Diet?
The Low-FODMAP diet usually involves carefully cutting the down the amount of FODMAPs you consume over a day and at one time for 2-6 weeks until your symptoms resolve or at least become manageable. Then you “re-challenge” each type of FODMAP individually to see how sensitive you are to them. Thankfully most people can tollerate some or all of the FODMAPS at certain levels or combinations..
▽ Is it forever?
NO! From this feedback you can reintroduce foods in a way that won’t set off your symptoms. Your tolerance will likely improve over time, so you can always retest foods when you feel up for it..
▽ Resources For Vegan Low-FODMAPers.
These are the two things I’ve found to be invaluable since starting the low-FODMAP diet..
The first is the official app* from The Monash University. It’s the easiest and most up-to-date way to check what foods are A-okay and how big your portion size can be. Measurement come in grams, as well as “cups”, which it great as a brit!
The second is the ONLY vegan cookbook* I’ve found among the masses of meat-filled low-FODMAP ones. Admittedly it’s not totally my style of cooking but it has been great inspiration and it is very informative..
“Low-Fodmap and Vegan: What to Eat When You Can’t Eat Anything” By Jo Stepaniak.
Music// Copyright Free.
Itro & Kontinuum Alive [NCS Release].
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*I’ve used affiliate links, it doesn’t change the price, I just get a little cut if you buy through them because you found them via me. And obviously I’d only ever recommend something I’ve personally bought, used and found value in. Thanks in advance if you use my link x
Video taken from the channel: The Wild Gut Project
Probiotics for IBS Irritable Bowel Syndrome
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For more information visit us at
Dr Simon Smale discussess probiotics for IBS. Our Consultant Gastroenterologist explains probiotics for IBS what we know and what we don’t!
Please click below to subscribe for more videos.
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Video taken from the channel: More Than Just Medicine
Can probiotics help my IBS-C? How should I take them?
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Learn more about constipation at
In this video, expert gastroenterologist Dr. Satish Rao discusses the current probiotic craze, the safety of probiotic supplements, and how probiotics actually work. He also describes the role of the microbiome in IBS-C, the potential effectiveness of over-the-counter probiotics, and how these digestive supplements can actually cause gas and bloating in irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C). Dr. Rao also discusses the role of fermented foods, including yogurt, kombucha, and more.
Video taken from the channel: You and Constipation
IBS Can Probiotics Help?
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Healthy Gut Summit 2016 presentation by Dragana Skokovic-Sunjic, RPh
Video taken from the channel: CDHFtube
Honest Gut Health Update Will probiotics help my IBS? | Becky Excell
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It’s been a while, so here’s my gut health update for October. Sadly I just can’t afford private medical treatment for my IBS + SIBO at the mo… but here’s how I’ve been feeling lately anyway. Plus I’m talking through a few extra things that I’m gonna start taking to see if they help..
Why not watch a few of my other low FODMAP/Gut Health videos? →.
Music by Andrew Applepie..
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This is not a sponsored video.
Video taken from the channel: Becky Excell
A 2018 review of 53 studies (5,545 total participants) of probiotics for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) concluded that probiotics may have beneficial effects on global IBS symptoms and abdominal pain, but it was not possible to draw definite conclusions about their effectiveness or to identify which species, strains, or combinations of probiotics are most likely to be helpful.Probiotics are a hot topic at the moment, particularly for people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is a chronic disease that causes abdominal.Our understanding of Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome is evolving, but we do know that IBS shares a lot of pathological similarities with IBD. Like IBD, IBS involves mucosal inflammation, exaggerated immune response, and probiotic imbalance.
You can learn more about IBS in our article, An overview of Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS).Best Probiotic for IBS Combination Bifidobacterium infantis is a combination of two species of the most dominant bacteria present in the gut of healthy infants and young children. Medical specialists recommended this strain for overall gut health and balance.
Although it’s still not clear whether probiotics, the live microorganisms that are considered the “friendly” bacteria in the gut, can actually help people with digestive disorders like irritable.Irritable bowel syndrome: A meta-analysis of 20 probiotic trials found that probiotics improved IBS symptoms, including diarrhea, bloating, gas, and abdominal pain. Ulcerative colitis: One review of studies found that active ulcerative colitis responded well to a combination of Lacto-Bifido probiotics and an anti-inflammatory medication.Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is gastrointestinal disorder that causes many digestive problems. Probiotics are recognized as a new treatment option, but it’s a topic that is clouded by a lot of confusion and scientific jargon.
This is a review of what the best probiotics for IBS actually are, explained in a way you can understand.A single dose may include a particular strain of microbe or blend of microbes. Like with prebiotic supplements, probiotic supplement companies market products to specific conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome. A registered dietitian can help you sort through the food sources of prebiotics and probiotics.
Irritable bowel syndrome affects more than 25 million people in the United States, and research into the use of probiotics to alleviate painful symptoms of the disease is offering hope for sufferers. IBS is a chronic condition that causes cramps, pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation.Probiotics are in foods such as yogurt and sauerkraut. Prebiotics are in foods such as whole grains, bananas, greens, onions, garlic, soybeans and artichokes. In addition, probiotics and prebiotics are added to some foods and available as dietary supplements.
Research is ongoing into the relationship of the gut microflora to disease.There is no particular strain or type of bacteria that we know of to be the most effective in the treatment of IBS. However, the research generally recommends a probiotic with a variety of bacteria, particularly from the Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium genus.Introduction The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics defines “probiotics” as “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host” [ 1 ].Ulcerative Colitis: Probiotics have been useful in fostering or maintaining remission of ulcerative colitis, a type of inflammatory bowel disease that affects millions of Americans.
Some research also indicates they may help with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or Crohn’s disease, similar conditions that afflict the intestinal tract.Probiotics: What You Need to Know. Probiotic supplements have been touted to improve gut health, balance vagin*l flora and strengthen the immune system.
Probiotics for Constipation: What You Need to Know Published June 25th, 2020 Though it has a lot of benefits, probiotics have always been associated with gut health – and for good reason.
List of related literature:
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fromPediatric Neurogastroenterology: Gastrointestinal Motility and Functional Disorders in Children by Christophe Faure, Nikhil Thapar, Carlo Di Lorenzo Springer International Publishing, 2016 | |
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fromFerri’s Clinical Advisor 2020 E-Book: 5 Books in 1 by Fred F. Ferri Elsevier Health Sciences, 2019 | |
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fromFunctional Foods and Nutraceuticals by Rotimi E. Aluko Springer New York, 2012 | |
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fromEvidence-based Gastroenterology and Hepatology by John W. D. McDonald, Brian G. Feagan, et. al. Wiley, 2019 | |
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fromLoving Yourself to Great Health by Louise Hay, Ahlea Khadro, Heather Dane Hay House, 2014 | |
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fromIntegrative Gastroenterology by Gerard E. Mullin, Marvin Singh Oxford University Press, 2019 | |
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fromCommunity Pharmacy E-Book: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment by Paul Rutter, David Newby Elsevier Health Sciences, 2011 | |
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fromDevelopment and Manufacture of Yogurt and Other Functional Dairy Products by Fatih Yildiz CRC Press, 2016 | |
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fromThe ASCRS Textbook of Colon and Rectal Surgery by Scott R. Steele, Tracy L. Hull, et. al. Springer International Publishing, 2016 | |
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fromThe All-Day Energy Diet: Double Your Energy in 7 Days by Yuri Elkaim Hay House, 2014 |
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