Recipes of Longevity - Valter Longo (2024)

Stuffed Artichokes

4 servings


  • 8 artichokes
  • 100 g of breadcrumbs
  • 3 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 1 lemon
  • Parsley
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Removing the tough outer leaves, stem, and the tips of the artichokes.Spread the leaves and place artichokes in a bowl with water and lemon juice.Prepare the filling by mixing the breadcrumbs with garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, and oil.Fill the artichokes with the stuffing, put them in a pan with a little oil and two glasses of water.Cover the artichokes and cook on stovetop for 30-40 minutes.


4 servings


  • 3 potatoes
  • 200 g of cherry tomatoes
  • 2 zucchini
  • 2 eggplants
  • 2 bell peppers
  • l clove of garlic, chopped
  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


Peel vegetables and cut into pieces.In a saucepan, sauté the garlic with 2 tablespoons of oil and a little water. Add eggplants and bell peppers and cook for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes, potatoes, and zucchini.Season with salt and add oregano and basil leaves.Simmer, stirring occasionally. If needed, add water or vegetable broth.

Pici and Potatoes

4 servings


  • 800 g bell peppers
  • 800 g potatoes
  • 10 small tomatoes
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


Peel the potatoes, cut into slices, and blanch them in salted water until they are half cooked.Cut bell peppers into big pieces and brown them in a pan with 2 tablespoons of oil.Remove bell peppers and dispose of the used oil. With fresh oil, cook tomatoes cut into pieces.When the tomato juices have evaporated, add the bell peppers and potatoes. Cook uncovered. Season with salt and serve warm.

Squid and Cuttlefish Casserole

4 servings


  • 500 g squid
  • 300 g cuttlefish
  • 500 g cherry tomatoes, chopped
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • Parsley
  • 40 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Clean the squid and cuttlefish, cut into small pieces, and let them drain.Fry the garlic in the oil, add the squid and cuttlefish. Sauté on medium heat. Add tomatoes cut in small pieces, salt and pepper, and cook for a few more minutes.

Anchovies with Endive

4 servings


  • 400 g fresh anchovies
  • l kg escarole endive
  • l clove of garlic, chopped
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Peel the endive, cut it into strips, and soak in water for a few minutes.Remove the anchovy heads and clean the fish, opening like a book. Wash and dry them.Drain the endive and put a third in a casserole dish. Cover with half of the anchovies and season with oil, garlic, salt and pepper.Continue with a second layer of endive and the rest of the anchovies. Season and complete the dish with the rest of the salad. Bake at 400F for 30 minutes.Serve warm, sprinkled with chopped parsley.

Onions in Walnut Sauce

4 people


  • 8 white onions
  • 120 g walnuts
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 2 lemons
  • Parsley
  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


Cook the onions in salted water. Drain and set aside.Crush the walnuts and garlic in a mortar with a pinch of salt until everything becomes a paste. Add the oil and lemon juice gradually. Finish the sauce with chopped parsley.Serve onions in large pieces, topped with the sauce.

Cabbage Patties

4 servings


  • 1 small cabbage
  • 2 tomatoes
  • l clove of garlic, chopped
  • 1/4 onion, chopped
  • Parsley, chopped
  • 200 g sandwich bread
  • Thin corn flour
  • Tomato paste
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Briefly blanch the outer leaves of the cabbage in salted boiling water and drain. Soak the bread in water, wring it out, and mix in the chopped parsley, salt, pepper, and a little oil.Knead and divide bread mixture into flattened patties. Cover them with cabbage leaves and fix them with a toothpick.Dredge the patties in foil flour and cook in a hot oven for 20 minutes. Prepare a sauce with chopped garlic and onion and add the tomato and the rest of cabbage cut into strips.After a few minutes, add the patties, cook, and serve. Remember to remove the toothpick.


4 servings


  • 800 g pumpkin, cleaned
  • 3 medium potatoes
  • 2 white leeks or 2-3 white onions
  • A few leaves of sage
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Cut the vegetables into large pieces and cook at low heat with a little water, adding salt as desired. After 30 minutes, pass the mixture through a vegetable mill or an immersion blender. The soup should be thick.Serve hot and seasoned with olive oil, pepper, and sage.

Snapper Tarantina

4 servings


  • l snapper (l kg)
  • 200 g black olives
  • 150 g tomatoes
  • 200 ml dry white wine
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Pepper


Clean the fish, removing the scales and entrails. Wash, dry well, and place it in an oiled baking dish.Add pepper, olives, and tomatoes previously crushed by hand. Bake at 320 F degrees for 30 minutes, basting with the wine halfway through cooking.

Chickpeas and Spelt

4 servings


  • 200 g dried chickpeas
  • 150 g spelt
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 rib of celery
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Soak the chickpeas overnight, and soak the spelt for a couple of hours.Boil the chickpeas, drain them and keep the cooking water. In a pan, brown the chopped onion, carrot, and celery in oil. Add the drained chickpeas, drained spelt and 2 liters of chickpea cooking water. Finish cooking at medium heat for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.Salt to taste, serve with olive oil and fresh ground pepper.

Sweet and Sour Sardines

4 servings


  • 2 kg sardines
  • 2 kg sweet white onions, thinly sliced
  • 40 g pine nuts
  • 80 g raisins
  • Italian 00 Wheat Flour
  • 600 ml white wine vinegar
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Remove the sardine heads, scales and entrails.Flour and fry them for a few minutes. Brown the onions in a cup of water and a tablespoon of oil.Add vinegar, raisins, and pine nuts, and cook for l0 minutes.Arrange the sardines alternating with onions in a bowl, cover with the cooking liquid, and store in a cool place.After two days, the sardines are ready to eat and will keep for up to a week.

Couscous Trapani-Style with Mixed Fish, Tomatoes, Almonds, and Garlic

8 servings


  • 800 g durum-wheat semolina
  • 200 g wheat flour
  • 1 kg fish for stew (various types of fish)
  • 300 g peeled tomatoes

  • 2 onions

  • 6 garlic cloves

  • 2 bay leaves

  • Parsley

  • 200 g almonds, peeled

  • 100 ml extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper


Pour the semolina into a deep dish, and wet it with a bit of cold water. Mix well; with your hand, roll the semolina mixture in one direction and then the other until granules form. Add salt, pepper, oil, and one onion (finely minced); let rest for approx. 10 minutes. Fill a pot with water; add the bay leaves, a small piece of onion, parsley, and salt. On top, place the couscous pot containing the seasoned semolina. Make a sheet of dough using water and the wheat flour; place it between the pot and the couscous pot/bowl. Cook on a low flame for an hour and a half. Prepare the fish stew: heat the oil, add the crushed garlic, and the remaining minced onion, almonds, and parsley. Cook, and after a few minutes add the tomatoes and 2 liters of water (lightly salted). When the broth reaches a boil, add the fish.; cook for 30 minutes. Remove the fish from the pot, and place aside (keeping hot). Filter the broth with a fine sieve. Then put the couscous in a large bowl, ladle some of the broth onto it, and let rest (covered) for 30 minutes. Serve at the table in individual shallow bowls, placing pieces of the fish on top. Serve the remaining broth as a condiment.


4 Servings


  • 200g dried chickpeas
  • 2 tablespoons of tahini paste

  • 1 lemon
  • 2 garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Parsley, minced
  • Paprika
  • Salt


Soak the beans in water overnight; then boil; yet be sure to keep the cooking liquid.
Blend the beans to make a creamy puree. Add the juice of the lemon and 2 tablespoons of the cooking water, a little at a time, to the blender. Add the tahini and garlic; continue to blend while adding a bit of salt. Transfer to a bowl; add oil; dust with paprika and true parsley. To make tahini paste at home, toast sesame seeds for 5 minutes in a pan (anti-stick), stirring a few times with wooden spoon, and being careful not to let the seeds burn. Place in a food processor; add oil; puree until smooth and creamy.

Roasted Yellow Peppers Flavored with Anchovies, Capers, Garlic, Basil, and Aromatic Herbs

4 servings


  • 4 large yellow peppers
  • 12 anchovy filets preserved in salt

  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 2 tablespoons capers

  • 1 bunch of basil

  • Aromatic herbs: parsley, sage, marjoram, Italian mint, summer savory, thyme, celery leaves, arugula, and tarragon

  • 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil


Roast the peppers over a flame, peel, and cut into quarters. Dry, and place on a tray. Rinse the anchovies and capers of their salt. Then on each pepper strip place 2 anchovy filets, 2 slices of garlic, and then the capers. Mince the herbs, and mix with the minced garlic. Remove the garlic from the peppers, and cover with the herbs. Spread the basil leaves over the peppers (the basil should be torn in half with two fingers), and serve.

Salad with Anchovies, Hardboiled Eggs, Tomatoes, Cucumber, Peppers, and Olives

4 servings


  • 100 g anchovies (alici) in salt preserve
  • White wine vinegar

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • 1 chili pepper (peperoncino)
  • 4 taralli (round, dense crackers made with semolina/ buckwheat flour; typical of the South)
  • 2 hardboiled eggs
  • 4 tomatoes (very firm)
  • 1 cucumber
  • Green and black olives
  • 1 pepper (large, dense)
  • 2 celery ribs
  • A pinch of oregano
  • 100 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


Rinse the anchovies of their salt and debone them. Soak in a bowl of vinegar for 10 minutes. Dry with a cloth, and line up on a plate with oil (with a clove of crushed garlic and some chili pepper placed alongside). Wet the taralli somewhat in salted water; spray with the vinegar, and dry for 5 minutes with the dish cloth.

Wash and dry the tomatoes, celery, large pepper, and cucumbers, and chop into little pieces. Place in a large bowl, and dress with oil, oregano, and a pinch of salt. Mix and spoon onto the taralli already lined up on the plate. Add the wedges of the hardboiled egg, the anchovies, and olives. Drizzle a good amount of oil over them, and let rest in the fridge for 30 minutes so the flavors can set, then serve.

Nettle Gnocchi with Porcini Sauce

4 servings


  • 200 g potatoes
  • 40 g whole wheat flour

  • A small bunch of ortiche (nettles), a wild plant used in recipes in various regions in Italy

  • 1 egg yolk
  • 400 g porcini mushrooms
  • 1 garlic clove
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Boil the potatoes with the skin. Drain, and when cooled, peel and puree with a potato masher. Simmer the ortiche (wild greens), drain, and let cool down. Press out the water, mince, and then add to the mashed potatoes. Stir in the egg yolk, a pinch of salt and mix well. Next add the flour, and stir until the mixture is uniform. Shape the dough into “ropes” 5 mm in diameter; then slice into little pieces 1.5 cm long. Clean the porcini with a damp cloth;, cut into small chunks, then place in a pre-heated pan with garlic previously sautéed in oil. Add salt and pepper and a few tablespoons of water. Cook on a low flame for 5 minutes. Boil the gnocchi in lightly salted water; as soon as they float to the surface, remove with a slotted spoon. Toss in the pan with the sauce, and serve.

Octupus Salad with Potatoes and Green Beans

4 servings


  • 500 g green string beans
  • 500 g potatoes

  • 500 g boiled octopus

  • Parsley

  • 1 garlic clove

  • 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

  • Salt and pepper


Trim and clean the string beans, and peel the potatoes. Boil both in salted water. In a deep pan coated in oil, heat the parsley minced with the garlic, and add salt and pepper. Drain the string beans and potatoes when still firm, and combine with the octopus (cut into small pieces). Dress with the sauce above. Serve warm.

Baked Anchovies with Endive Escarole

4 servings


  • 400 g of fresh anchovies
  • 1 kg of endive escarole (indivia scarola)

  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

  • Salt

  • Pepper

  • 1 garlic clove, cut into little pieces

  • A small bunch of parsley


Prepare the endive, cutting into strips, soak in water for a few minutes. In the meantime, remove the heads of the anchovies, open them in two, down the center., rinse, and dry. Drain the endive, and put a third in a deep pyriform dish; cover with half of the anchovies, and dress with oil, the garlic, salt, and pepper. Make the second layer of endive, and top with the rest of the anchovies. Then dress in the same way with the remaining salad. Cook in the oven at 200 °C for 30 minutes. Serve warm, after sprinkling minced parsley over the dish.

Linguine with Fava Bean Pesto

4 servings


  • 300g linguine
  • 300 g fresh fava beans (shelled)

  • 1 garlic clove

  • Fresh mint

  • 1⁄2 cup of extra virgin olive oil


Remove the skin of the fava beans., Then prepare the pesto by mashing the fava beans with the garlic (first removing the garlic core), a few mint leaves, and a bit of oil. Cook the linguine in boiling water (a good amount with salt) and drain when al dente, keeping some of the cooking water to dilute the sauce if too thick. Toss the pasta with the pesto sauce, and serve.

Fava Beans with Garlic, Mint, and Chili Pepper

4 servings


  • 400 g fava beans (shelled)
  • 1 garlic clove

  • Mint leaves (Roman mint)

  • Extra virgin olive oil

  • Salt

  • Chili pepper (peperoncino)


Simmer the fava beans in very little water (unsalted) for 7-8 minutes: they should remain crunchy. Drain and put into a larger bowl; dress with a sauce made by mixing the garlic with the minced mint and oil, a dash of chili pepper, and salt.

Typical Tuscan Bread Salad


  • Stale bread
  • Fresh onion or spring onion sliced thinly

  • Salad tomatoes cut into small cubes

  • Sliced cucumber; sliced celery

  • Basil leaves, torn into pieces

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Red wine vinegar


Soak the bread in a bowl of cold waterit must be Tuscan bread, even best if baked in a wood oven anda bit stale, even hard; let sit 30 minutes in the refrigerator to reconstitute it. Then squeeze out the water; do this 3 or 4 times. Place in a large serving bowl, and cover with all the other ingredients. Dress with salt, oil, and a little vinegar, mixing well. Let rest for half an hour, and before serving, taste to determine if more oil or vinegar is needed.

Gelo di mellone

Serves 6


  • 1 liter of juice of watermelon
  • 90g of corn starch

  • 40 g of sugar

  • 100 g dark chocolate chips

  • 100 g of pistachios (granules)

  • A few drops of vanilla extract
  • A pinch of cinnamon


Place the starch in a pot, and slowly add the watermelon juice, a little at a time; mix constantly until smooth. Add the sugar; continue mixing. Cook on a medium flame until it comes to a boil, mixing constantly. Lower the flame; thenlet the mixture thicken a few minutes. Continue cooking, mixing every so often. Add the vanilla, cinnamon and almost all the chocolate (placing aside a few chips for garnish). Mix one last time; thenpour the mixture into 6dessert ramekins. Sprinkle the remaining chocolate chips over the mixture;place in the refrigerator overnight. Just before serving, sprinkle the pistachio granules over each dessert.

Typical Tuscan Bread Salad


  • Stale bread
  • Fresh onion or spring onion sliced thinly

  • Salad tomatoes cut into small cubes

  • Sliced cucumber; sliced celery

  • Basil leaves, torn into pieces

  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Red wine vinegar


Soak the bread in a bowl of cold waterit must be Tuscan bread, even best if baked in a wood oven anda bit stale, even hard; let sit 30 minutes in the refrigerator to reconstitute it. Then squeeze out the water; do this 3 or 4 times. Place in a large serving bowl, and cover with all the other ingredients. Dress with salt, oil, and a little vinegar, mixing well. Let rest for half an hour, and before serving, taste to determine if more oil or vinegar is needed.

Traditional Sicilian Pasta Dish with Eggplant and Tomato Sauce Topped with Ricotta Salata

6 servings


  • 500 g rigatoni or maccheroni
  • 1.5 kg tomatoes for sauce
  • 2 eggplants
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • Basil
  • 100 g ricotta salata
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


Slice the eggplant and transfer to a bowl with salted water (this is to expunge the water naturally in the eggplant). Simmer the tomatoes; then peel and chop; and cook on a low flame with the garlic in a terracotta pot. Remove from the heat, and add oil and the basil. Drain the eggplant, dry, and grill the slices. Cook the pasta in boiling water; drain; and then toss in the tomato sauce. Serve on the plates with the eggplant slices; and top with the grated ricotta salata and more basil.

Chocolate Almond Delights

Yields 20


  • 500g of shelled almonds, unpeeled
  • 500g of dark chocolate


Toast the almonds. Melt the chocolate in a bagno maria; add the almonds; mix. Using a spoon, divide the mixture into 20 ramekin dishes. Let cool until the chocolate is solidified.

Pasta and Beans

Serves 4


  • 500g fresh Lamon beans or 250g of dried beans (washed well and soaked for minimum 6 hours beforehand)
  • Kosher salt
  • 1 Onion
  • 6-8 Cloves
  • 100g of tagliolini egg pasta or ditalini pasta


It is recommended to cook the beans in a pressure pot. Fill the po pot until it reaches the level indicator. Add a small handful of the kosher salt.
Cook on the highest flame; when the pressure pot whistles, lower the flame to the minimum, and cook for 40 minutes. Puree the beans with a vegetable mill or hand blender, and pour into a large pot. Bring to a boil, and add the onion (pierced with the cloves) and approx. 1 liter of water. When the water reaches a boil, add the pasta; remove from the the heat; stir periodically so that the pasta does not stick. The pasta and beans can be served hot or warm. A nice addition is Treviso red radicchio, chopped into pieces. The bitter flavor aids liver and kidney function during digestion. Or it is possible to add a tablespoon of trippe alla parmigiana, which increases the protein content of the dish.

Finally, drizzle extra virgin olive oil over the finished dish— as should be done with all the dishes. Then sprinkle some pepper over the dish, as pepper stimulates digestive secretion. To finish the plate, add a pinch of Franco’s “magic powder” (as used at the Osteria Madonetta): dried sage, rosemary, thyme, and marjoram.

Polenta and Mushrooms

Serves 1 person


  • 80g of whole wheat flour
  • 100g of mushrooms
  • A sprig of parsley
  • 2 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


Follow the instructions on the packet and cook the polenta until soft. Wash and cut the mushrooms and transfer to a pan with oil and a little bit of water. Cook over moderate heat and stir often until tender. Once cooked, add the chopped parsley and serve the polenta with mushrooms.

Baked Pumpkin

Serves 4


  • 1 kg of pumpkin pulp
  • Rosemary

  • Sage
  • Honey
  • Salt


After peeling and cleaning the pumpkin, cut into slices 1 cm thick, and place a baking sheet. Sprinkle sage (torn into small pieces), rosemary, salt, and a little honey. Bake for 30 minutes at 140 °C.

Chickpeas and Chestnuts with Rosemary and Garlic

Serves 6


  • 300 g chickpeas
  • 300 g dry chestnuts
  • 2-3 garlic cloves
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 300 g chickpeas
  • 300 g dry chestnuts


Soak the chickpeas overnight; meanwhile reconstitute the dried chestnuts by soaking in warm water for 10 hours. Boil the chickpeas for 2 hours. Add the drained chestnuts, garlic, bay leaf, rosemary, oil, and a pinch of salt. Cook for another 10 minutes or so, mixing regularly.

Rice, Leeks, and Herbs

Serves 4


  • 150 g Semi-brown rice
  • 400 g Herbs
  • 4 Small leeks
  • 40 g of Grana Padano cheese
  • 1 Small tuft of parsley
  • 1 Liter of vegetable broth


Clean the herbs, and cut into small strips. Finely slice the white part of the leek, and simmer on a low flame with oil and a bit of water. Add the herbs, and cook for 10 minutes. Add the broth, and when it comes to a boil, stir in the rice. When the rice is cooked (approx. 40 minutes), add the minced parsley. Serve, first sprinkling grated grana cheese.

Pears Simmered in Spiced Red Wine

Serves 8


  • 8 pears (firm, suitable for baking)
  • 1 liter red wine
  • 50 g Raisins
  • 50 g of sugar
  • 3-4 cloves
  • 1 small cinnamon stick
  • 1/2 teaspoon of lemon rind


Place all ingredients in a pot; bring to a boil; cook for 30-40 minutes until the liquid becomes denser. Let cool, and then remove the cinnamon and cloves. Cut the pears into slices and spoon the sauce over them. Serve.

Corn Meal ‘Porridge’ with Tuscan Black Cabbage

Serves 6


  • 600 g Maize flour
  • 3 Bunches of cavolo nero (long, black cabbage typical of Tuscany)
  • 2 Garlic cloves
  • 50 g Parmigiano reggiano, grated
  • 1 Cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


Trim and wash the cabbage thoroughly, removing the hard “ribs”, and then cutting the cabbage into small strips. Boil in approx. 5 liters of water (salted), and add the yellow corn meal a little at a time, stirring constantly with a whisk. Cook for 40 minutes, more or less, stirring periodically with a wooden spoon (NB: be careful not to scrape the bottom of the pot). Add the garlic (minced); taste the dish, and add salt as needed. Add the oil and cheese; then whisk together all ingredients. The farinata should be less dense than polenta. Serve hot, drizzling with raw oil and parmigiano on the side.

3-Flour Cake with Citrus Rind and Dried Fruit

Serves 8


  • 100 g of soft wheat flour
  • 80 g of corn meal
  • 40 g of chickpea flour
  • 100 g of natural cane sugar
  • 70 g breadcrumbs
  • 300 g vegetable-based milk
  • 2 apples
  • 50 g raisins
  • 50 g of dried figs
  • The rind of 1⁄2 lemon
  • The rind of 1⁄2 orange
  • 50 ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • 50 ml of sunflower oil
  • Salt
  • Powdered sugar (optional)


Combine in a bowl the three types of flour, the breadcrumbs, sugar, and a pinch of salt; mix; then add the milk and two types of oil. Work the batter until smooth and uniform. Peel the apples; cut into small pieces; and add to the mixture, together with the grated rinds, the raisins, and figs (cut into pieces). Oil a cake pan 24 cm in diameter; dust with flour; then pour in the batter. Bake at 170 °C for 45-50 minutes. Let cool,; and serve (optional: sprinkle with powdered sugar).

Spiced Cake with Nuts, Chocolate, and Raisins

Serves 8


  • 50 g Flour, soft wheat (00)
  • 50 g Peeled almonds
  • 50 g Peeled hazelnuts
  • 50 g Walnut pieces
  • 50 g Raisins
  • 80 g Dark chocolate
  • 50 g Natural cane sugar
  • Cinnamon (powder)
  • Nutmeg
  • Black pepper


Soak the raisins in warm water; drain; press dry. Melt the natural cane sugar with a cup of water over a low flame. Remove from the heat; add the dark chocolate until it melts. Pour into a bowl; add the flour, dried fruit, raisins, a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg, and a generous bit of ground pepper. Let rest for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.; Spread the mixture on a baking sheet covered in wax paper, forming a shape like a loaf of bread. Bake for 15 minutes, and then Shut off the oven, yet leave the cake in the oven to cool. The dessert is ready to eat the next day.

Cauliflower Salad

Serves 4


  • 1 Head of cauliflower
  • Approx. a dozen black olives
  • 1 Tablespoon of capers
  • 1 Pepper preserved in vinegar
  • White wine vinegar
  • 4 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


Clean the cauliflower and separate the florets. Rinse and simmer in a small amount of water with a pinch of salt: the cauliflower should be al dente (firm).
Drain and dress immediately with the vinegar, oil, olives, capers, and the pepper (cut into strips).

Corn Meal “Cookies” with Raisins, Dried Figs, and Nuts

Serves 8


  • 250 g Corn meal
  • 1 Tablespoon and half of sugar
  • 50 Raisins
  • 50 Pine nuts
  • 50 g of Walnut parts
  • 50 g of Shelled almonds
  • 50 g of Dried figs
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Soak the raisins in warm water. Mince the walnuts and almonds with the dried figs. Make a well with the corn meal; add a few tablespoons of oil, the raisins (pressed dry), the pine nuts, the minced figs, the sugar, and a pinch of salt and pepper. Mix well, adding hot water to form a moist consistency. Shape into balls; then flatten. Bake at 150 °C. Serve cold.

Radicchio and Polenta Stew

Serves 4


  • 3 Heads of winter radicchio
  • 10 g of Dry beans
  • 1.5 l of Vegetable broth
  • 100 g of Corn meal
  • 1 Carrot
  • 1 Small onion
  • 1 Celery rib
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Soak the beans in cold water overnight, rinse, drain, and put in a pot with the carrot, onion, celery, bay leaf and plenty of water. Boil for an hour, adding salt towards the end. In a casserole pot with a little bit of water, simmer the radicchio for 5 minutes; drain off the water and chop finely. Bring the broth to a boil, and then sprinkle the corn meal over it, adding slowly; mix and after 10 minutes, add the beans and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from the heat, add the radicchio, a bit of salt and pepper, and finally pour into a soup tureen, and serve.

Crostini (Toasted Bread) Topped With Artichoke-Stems, and a Shallot, Mint, and Basil Sauce

Serves 4


  • 8 Artichoke stems
  • 1 Shallot
  • Mint
  • Basil
  • 4 Slices of toasted homemade bread
  • 1 Lemon
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


Clean and prepare the stems of the artichokes. Soak them in acidified water (with lemon juice), dry, and cut into cubes or julienne. In a large pan with oil, sauté, the shallot (sliced), mint, and basil, salt and pepper. Spoon the mixture onto the toasted bread.

Orange, Oregano, and Chive Salad Dressed with Olive Oil, Salt, and Pepper

Serves 4


  • 4-6 Oranges
  • 1 Chive bulb
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Oregano
  • Salt
  • Pepper


Peel the oranges; cut into thin slices, and then small pieces (try to eliminate the seeds). Transfer to a large bowl, and flavor with oil, the chive bulb (sliced very finely), a pinch of oregano, pepper, and salt. Mix, and serve after letting sit for 15 minutes.

Carrots with Pine Nuts and Wine-Seeped Raisins

Serves 6


  • 1 kg Tender, “young” carrots (novelle)
  • 25 g Pine nuts
  • 50 g Raisins
  • 1/2 Cup of wine
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt


Soak the raisins in the wine. Trim and peel the carrots; clean; chop into rounds; then simmer in oil, a small amount of water, and a pinch of salt. Cover, and cook slowly. When tender, stir in the pine nuts and the raisins (drained and pressed to remove any excess liquid). Mix well, and cook until done. Serve immediately.

Recipes of Longevity - Valter Longo (2024)


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